2020年奧斯卡| Eminem「 Lose Yourself」 Live的傳奇回歸狐狸



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更多《 2020年奧斯卡獎》:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWV7u4JGxAqY_2wiyTITSrVO-nAnsah5

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  1. Love Em but not liking the 「pause before the end of every single line」 thing he had going on. All while singing over a soundtrack of him singing…

  2. When you See the elders go crazy on this shit you know they havent watched the movie yet and are about to watch it right when they arrive at home after this awesome live show

  3. Wow just wondering how many comebacks this guy is gonna have.. ahh well. Check out my new release available on all streaming sites even YouTube music..(soft spot by 33)

  4. Quartz, an online media company, carried a report by Olivia Goldhill on September 27, 2019, titled: 「The Blackest Market, China is accused of harvesting tens of thousands of organs to serve a thriving global market.」

    The article opened with the following paragraph:

    「Barely two months after Han Junqing, from Beijing, was imprisoned for practicing the spiritual discipline of Falun Gong, he died in captivity. When his family was briefly allowed to see his body, more than a month after he died, his daughter says they discovered it had been sliced open.」

    The reporter had learned about the Han family's plight at an event at the Harvard Club in New York on Wednesday, September 25, that was held to coincide with the United Nations General Assembly.

    At the event, Han Junqing's daughter Han Yu described how her family had gone to see her father's body almost a month after his untimely death in 2004. To this day, the family believes that Han Junqing was a victim of China's systematic forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience.

    In her article, Goldhill also cited the China Tribunal, which issued its final judgment in June this year that stated that without a doubt prisoners of conscience in China are being killed on a large scale for their organs.

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