魔獸世界8.3 Unholy DK Stormwind Vision完全清除-2個面具



  1. Nice video but shows you JUST HOW MUCH sloppiness can be forgiven with 460+ ilevel and the Gift of the Titans talent… ?‍♂️? I'm close to a full clear on casual 446 DH and it's a real fkn challenge allright…

  2. Yeah, the chains of ice thingy is one of the madnesses – Leaden Foot. When moving accumulate stacks that slow you up to 90%, when standing still – the stacks clear.
    It's actually not that bad for DK as you always have DA for those oh sh*t moments.

    GJ on the clear!

  3. question is, whrere and how do I get those masks? Cleared OG and SW everything already couple of times. Would like to try this with masks…

  4. Are you running bursting sores or ebon fever? You show ebon fever, but say you have bursting sores during the first big pull. Great video btw! keep it up

  5. The debuff chains of ice is the mechanic of the zone itself, you can't feel it bec of death's advance but I tried it with my druid and you need to stop walking for it to get removed, not 100% sure though bec I haven't tried it with masks if it changes

  6. At around the 3:50ish mark you say that with bursting sores you annihilate everything. However in the talents you chose Virulent Plague over Busting? Was that an accident?

  7. First! Omg I've been dying to see an unholy do this.

    The chains of ice debuff in the harder wings is like a less annoying Scorched Feet, you basically need to just not move for 2-3 seconds and the debuff will drop pretty quick. But the more you move during it, the more it slows you. I prefer it over Scorched Feet but thats just me

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