泰國??醫生髮現:冠狀病毒?特效藥? Thai Doctor found the cure for the Coronavirus!


Thai doctor found: The Coronavirus』s cure ! Don’t know if this news is important or not?
Study how to save people! Save people! It should be more important!

News from the UK Mirror:
It came as Thai doctors say the use of anti-flu and AIDS drugs has been a success in treating coronavirus patients after using them on a Chinese woman with severe symptoms.
Two doctors from Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok said at a briefing in Bangkok that improvements were seen in the 71-year-old woman 48 hours after administering the two groups of medications.

After finding she had severe symptoms, the doctors decided to use oseltamivir, an anti-flu drug used to treat the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS), as well as lopinavir and ritonavir, two AIDS drugs.

They said after 48 hours of treatment the woman had recovered and tested negative for the disease



他們說,經過48小時的治療,該婦女已經康復並且測試為陰性 .

  1. 在發現她有嚴重癥狀後,醫生決定使用奧司他韋(一種用於治療中東呼吸綜合征冠狀病毒(MERS)的抗流感葯)以及洛匹那韋和利托那韋這兩種艾滋病藥物。

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