PS5:到目前為止,我們對PlayStation 5,Dualshock 5和PSVR的了解

Zoe Delahunty-Light利用Mark Cerny的採訪,索尼申請的專利以及Twitter的一個重大漏洞,詳細介紹了到目前為止我們對PS5的了解。如果您正在關注尚未出現的PS5預告片,想要查看PS5顯卡的外觀,或者只是想知道PS5的價格,您所需的所有信息都是正確的這裡!



  1. At the 6 minute mark she mentioned physical disks don』t take up space on your console and digital downloads do. It literally doesn』t matter the full game downloads onto your console anyways physical disk or digital, Correct me if im wrong.

  2. this is just bad, playstation and other consoles are goin to end up like I phones, and other things released yearly, this is the downfall of gaming sadly to say, it hurts after been a gamer all my life, to watch these coprations destroy what I love, all the top heads of gaming company's leaving I grew up loving, rockstar will never be the same without Dan, bethsda turning into a hydra,Todd been the main head the other 7 heads been the rest, Ea started all this crap now every corporation is following suit, ye let's prey on the dumb gamers

  3. i hope there will be good upcoming games.. Not like ps4 generation.. Seriously there are many Sh*t games.. And those will be on sale.. Just saying. Still i won't buy it -_-

  4. If the controller is almost the same as well as the UI, I'm getting the next xbox. Sick of having to buy a new controller every 2 months because the analog stick drifts. Only had to use 2 different xbox controllers in the past 3 years.

  5. So a custom AMD Navi but with hardware support for ray-tracing? Possible but unlikely, since to this date AMD still has no concrete plans for anything resembling NVidias RTX at least for several monhts if not years into the future nor have I seen even a working hardware prototype.

  6. Everything rumoured ?
    SSD size? 2 tb adds a extra £150?
    Extensive backward compatibility?
    You still need to install on SSD or it will bottleneck the console, it can』t run games at Blu-ray disc speeds. Do you even own a console?
    Mic on controller?
    So mostly speculation including the games

  7. Playstation not having backwards capability is exactly why I play xbox while playstation works on backwards capability and xbox is working on vr software I find that funny

  8. I have ALOT of games that are digitally downloaded. So hopefully SOMEHOW I can transfer that to the ps5. If not I』m probably gonna stick to the ps4 for awhile

  9. PS5: Everything you NEED to know.
    If you're into the still way ahead of itself VR world… It's the system for you.
    Anything else? Just stick with the PS4 pro. I really don't like the idea of the PS5 / Sony joining other companies in recording everything we say in our homes.

  10. Backwards compatibility has to stop some time if we want true and better updated machine. Also, good luck with the extreme advertising rubbish about 4k and… 8k. Yeah, nope. Not even an RTX 2080Ti with an 9900K can handle such things, especially steadily in 60FPS. We are simply not there yet.

  11. RE8 on PS5 with VR support. ? I』m really enjoying the PSVR I feel it』s one of the highlights of this generation despite the technical flaws. Understandably to keep it at a certain cost.

  12. Backwards compatibility on the launch PS3 was amazing as I could play my PS1 and PS2 games. But units after launch lost that capability and that was very frustrating when my launch unit finally died. If they can't do proper backwards compat for collectors like me, I think I'm done with Sony.

    Edit: and no, making me pay for a service to stream old games is NOT backwards compatibility.

  13. I as a gamer back in 2013 was excited about the PS4 but got into school, college and career instead.
    Now that I am finally done with college, should I get a ps4 to play all my favorite uncharted series and the last of us series or should I just get a ps5?

  14. Does anyone else think that a close approximation of that Godfall trailer could've been made on the PS3 what with its shiny unreal engine 3-esque graphics?

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