損壞的齒輪比泰坦鍛造更糟糕嗎? |魔獸世界BfA補丁8.3


  1. I believe it's worse tbh. Titanforging doesn't result in a 6-10k plus dps. Got too many people who are definitely playing worse than me getting better dps because of corruption

  2. Still waiting for corrupted gear other than void ritual and mastery increase. Can someone tell me what else I can spam? Spamming the two lfr wings, m12 and up, normal and heroic nyalotha, all world quests with gear rewards. Rares, m0, some heroic one as well. Arenas, bgs, ofcourse vision and assaults when they are available. Did the heroic warfronts as well. Idk, am I like fucking blacklisted or something? I see everyone with freaking multiple corrupted dps gears

  3. One of the big problems with blizzard is they don』t want you to be done so you continue playing. If you could work for your best item and you get it you might stop playing in curtain situation.

  4. I don't like the corrupted gear system. Some of us are happy to not receive corrupted gear. Too many alts to get through the questline to cleanse gear. Totally sucks!!!!! Titanforging was soooo much better!

  5. The corrupted gear is shit. It's like the people that design the game do not play the game at all/ever! Can we remove the CHINA influence! Tencent, a Chinese entertainment giant, owns a percentage in Blizzard's parent company, Activision Blizzard, and serves as the NBA's rights holder in China. The game play has gone from Capitalism where you were in control of the game play to Socialism where is doesn't matter how you play, we all get a trophy.

  6. i have like 15 corrupted gear.I took the corruption off on many cause it was crap,and just made the game more difficult with the high toxicity.And the leftovers… well….fuck them.Doing m+ doing the nzoth vision once a week,doing pvp,yet i always,i repeat always got the worst of the worst.I already hated the farming,but this makes me hate the game more.MY rng is in the dust,and will be most likely.When all i do sometimes half my gametime is doing dailys,now thats not fun for me at all,so that i could do a vision that either gets me something or not.Shit expansion all the way

  7. I just wish I could get rid of so much shit from my bank and bags, I have to carry about so much armour on the off chance that it might suddenly sim better after some arbitrary patch. Hire some fucking QA back and test the shit out of this stuff before going live with it, jesus. It's game making 101.

  8. I wish I could just level a character to 120, then go pvp for gear. But with all this RNG and horse shit systems like AP and essences, before doing any pvp I have to make sure to do all the shitty quests and get the right essences for the class/spec otherwise I am going to be at a massive disadvantage. And on a game with 12 classes with so many specs it kinda makes the thought of starting another alt like getting another job. All I want to do is play what I find fun.

  9. Corrupted gear is good , just had to be way weaker . This is extra stat that should not be 5-10-15-20% of your overall damage . negative effects should also be way easier to deal with or less threatening since they overlap with everything else . An corruption should be up to 1% extra damage or proc for lets say 50-100 rating , since these buffs at least by waht i see have around 50% uptime and damn a corruption is better then trinkets .Rng also is annoying , i have haste as avoidance in my 2 weekly chests . But at least we finally see how booring WQ are without chance for them to be good with titanforging , noone does them beside those that farm rep and thats only the emissary .
    The Idea is great , but badly executed . At this point we do almost half of our damage from extra sources and have no control over it , that is the part i hate about this expansion heavily , my class dont really matter . But well its for this patch only so it sfun to test things , just thing their impact should not have been that huge .

  10. I've got two characters I maintain. My hunter is my raider. My prot pally is my mythic+ character. My paladin has got super lucky. Echoing void on day one of the patch and twilight devastation later that week. My hunter has been totally screwed. The only worthwhile corruptions I've got is mind flay on my gloves and the guaranteed corruption on the whispering eldritch bow. This system has taken the issues of RNG they were trying to fix and WIDENED the gap. Lucky drops put you significantly ahead and getting unlucky puts you so far behind you can't catch up. My paladin even after the nerf to echo void is doing ridiculously unbalanced damage for a tank and my hunters BiS weapon is gated behind the last boss of the raid with the rng of this new system putting my dps in the toilet compared to even under powered dps classes who did get lucky enough to pick up infinite stars early on.

  11. Would have been cooler to quested to go through and find the writings of these corruptions then engrave them into the gear of our choosing and level the gear by doing +10MD and the Raid and visions. would have been far more interesting and personal.

  12. I got a 460 ring in raid with rank 3 infinite stars. I had a 425 world quest ring with rank 2 infinite stars. Because we run a loot council system, I had to trade the ring away to another demon hunter. It feels so bad that I will never be able to keep up in dps with him and that infinite stars does almost twice as much damage as the highest active ability pressed. Usually, I don't care too much about gear but this system is making me feel like Nzoth has actually corrupted me.

  13. Idk if it』s worse, but it』s definitely just as bad as titanforging. When are they going to learn that RNGing stats that can literally make or break an 「upgrade」 isn』t a good idea. I don』t mind farming rep/raids/dungeons/whatever, just as long as I have some idea of what I』m getting when it』s over. Nothing makes you want to unsub more than getting a bunch of sick corruption procs on useless gear, then finally getting what you started out trying to get and it has the wrong stats and no corruption. Thanks activision!

  14. Corrupted gear is by far worse than Titan forging. Don't get me wrong titan forging was also a really bad system, but corruption takes the cake here.

    Corruption is bad for a number of different reasons. First of all, there's no way to target specific corruption effects. Legion Legendaries, you at least could whittle it down, and eventually you got them all. That's not the case here. You could potentially be trying to get a specific effect the rest of the expansion.

    Second reason they are bad, is the proc rates on the effects themselves. A guildie and me did a little test. We both had rank 3 infinite stars, so we put it to the test on a boss fight. We both had equal up time on the boss, but his corruption effect ended up doing over 1 million more damage than mine. How is there that much discrepancy. And encase anyone is curious, we were both melee classes, and we both only had the one corruption piece on. I understand they shouldn't be equal, but how did his do more than double mine? That's a major problem in terms of balance. it's almost like my corruption effect took it's lunch break for that fight, while my buddies did overtime work.

    third reason they are bad, is Blizzard has done zero testing on them. And it shows. The fact that a few of the effects have had nerfs of well over 50% to them, how can anyone think this system is good. And now Blizzard has buffed a few of them, when people have already cleansed them off current pieces of gear. The whole thing is just a hot mess, and Blizzard should be really embarrassed of the system, but judging off the interview with Ion recently, there not. They actually think the system is great, and that it's offering players more choices. But in reality it's not, it's the whole Legion Legendary system all over again. Players are wearing the best of what they can get. if a vendor was available, I can absolutely assure you, some of effects would never be purchased, while others would be flying off the shelves.

    It's just a bad system overall. I honestly can't really think of anything redeeming about it. Even when my effect pops off on a fight, I actually feel bad about the massive amounts of damage it does, because that damage it did, I had no influence over it. It's just proc related. Oh look, the stars aligned, and it did it's thing. . . Neat, but not really.

    To me they should of made corruption effects that alter abilities on characters, and infuse them with corruption effects that have real rotation, and game play changes and choices. Here's an example, I play a fury warrior. It'd be neat if there was a corruption effect that made my bloodthirst ability not only heal me for 5%, but it now heals my party as well for 5%. Boom, I now all of a sudden become a little more of a support class. It's a subtle change, but it's a corruption effect that I can rely on happening every time I press bloodthirst. There's no rng to it, it's an interesting option for fights where there is a lot of raid damage going out. It's just better. And this is just one example I have out of the dozens I've theory crafted with friends on discord.

    However the sad reality of all of this, Blizzard will probably never go to this type of design ever again. There design team has gotten super lazy. Almost all of there ideas for class design, come down to "chance on hit, this random damage thing happens." And they design these type of things to be class and spec wide. It allows them to design few options that everyone can use. And in terms of being lazy, I don't blame them. Why design interesting effects for each class and spec, when you can just make a few options that universally everyone has to use. It's easy, it's cheap. But at the same time, it's costing them their image. And boy is it getting more and more tarnished as the years, and expansions go by.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's not hard to design good content for wow. The game pretty much writes itself. But Blizzard feels everything good needs to be reinvented, and that more and more rng and time gating features in game equals player investigate. Much like when an NFL head coach gets fired for poor results, or questionable play calling, I'm curious when some of the people making game design choices for wow will be let go? It's honestly something that should be asked.

  15. My Mechagon +11 dps meter was topped by a healer with echoing void and only thanks to him we managed to finish in time. I wonder how they would deal with this mechanism in MDI because with the right corruption everything dies in an instant.

  16. I don』t understand Blizz』s aversion to vendors, and tier sets. These RNG systems will never replace the accomplishment of earning and collecting an entire set.

  17. I much rather get some type of currency or tokens to collect to upgrade or corrupted my gear, That's where the RNG could come from… if I do daily: give me a green gear set that I can upgrade be epic and gives more resources or just random enchants/enhancement. If you raid/Mythic+: give the gear and some tokens to upgrade that piece to give you something to either boost of stats/extras or something like corruption

  18. This argument about how corruptions are not interesting always forgets a basic part of the system. The corruption cost and the legendary back. The corruption cost and the debuffs are very interesting and every piece you get you can switch around your gear to see what the best you can go with and some risk reward. I personally like that aspect of it. Secondly your arguments about the wrists are a complaint about the strength of the wrists and not the corruption itself. After a few more weeks you probably will have another infinite stars (unless really unlucky) and then you can farm keys to get the better wrists. Its the same as a really good trinket. The main problem is that people do not have ENOUGH corrupted gear yet to really use this system to its fullest

  19. The System is questionable to be honest, they really nerf stuff here and there now they just dont thought it through i guess some of my guildmates had corruption and it got stomped into the ground for reasons. A Vendor would be the best choice like for m+ items you can collect residium and can buy the real good stuff if you want to all systems are not great in modern days the problem is you just have to depend on 3rd sources now to know what are the best item peaces for your character dont know if this is healthy for the game overall.

  20. Main Ret pally with lvl 8 cloak….1 crappy corrupted item…scrapped it.
    Warlock Alt I don't really play….ilvl 410 & no cape.   3 pieces of gear from WQs (including a big ilvl upgrade at weapon) are all corrupted.  If I equip them all my corruption lvl would be 65.  I would be dying every couple of fights….if I lasted that long!

    My opinion on corruption gear…..a crappy gear system for a throwaway patch.

  21. I haven't gotten any good affects so far so it's been kinda meh. But I also wish that the name of the effect was listed on the gear. EX Falling Stars: then lists what it does.

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