巨大的Nintendo Switch實際開放世界遊戲2017-2020 +

讓我們來看看當前和即將推出的最佳Nintendo Switch開放世界遊戲!感謝RAVPower贊助了這一活動-以下是Switch充電器的鏈接和折扣!


& 還有很多!
#OpenWorlds #NintendoSwitch#2020




Ravpower 10,000 mAh PD 29W移動電源:






開始時間:太平洋標準時間02/10/2020 12:01








結束時間:2020年2月25日23:59 GMT


Ravpower 20,000mAh PD 60W移動電源:






開始時間:太平洋標準時間02/10/2020 12:01







  1. Outer worlds is getting a proper physical and not just a code in the box! There is something about the escapism a HUGE open world can bring a player… Which are your favourites? I added more in to the list than what we』d originally planned so yeah, more than five!Thanks to RAVPower – they』ve provided a tidy little discount for their Switch charge bank all links in description. Mark

  2. You should be ashamed of yourselves for putting shakedown hawaii on this list but not dragons dogma. Gods n monsters isnt even out yet. So unless you've played it. To include it is technically dishonest.

    Excuse me while i go bury my head in the sand.

  3. I like Assassin's Credd 4 very much, but as you guys say, there's a lot to improve.
    The one thing that bugs me apart from the ones you mentioned are the compulsory cinematics. Comeon! The idea itself is ridiculous, to force a player to waste time by watching the same clips over and over. Pisses me off so much I wish everyone who's responsible for that was forced to watch a recording of Trump's inauguration in an endless loop once they get to hell. Compulsory watching. Who comes up with something like that?!

  4. I don't like the shrines in breath of the wild. The puzzles are good, but they all look basically the same. Anyone else getting sick of the New Age spiritual, lost civilization, discovering ruins, to discover your past…In Most of these type games?

  5. Caves. And dungeons. But also caves.
    I really loved the world in botw and it reminded me of the old days of the nes and snes. But those games had caves and dungeons.

  6. Shout out for Saints row the third! Like a fast and furious game full of whacky characters and the soundtrack is fantastic! Such a shame it』s not a good performance in handheld. Much preferred it to the 4th one

  7. Time Line:

    0:27: Zelda BOTW


    1:42: Skyrim


    3:25: The Witcher 3

    £34.99/€41.99/$59.99 [As of 12th Feb]

    4:54: RAVPoer [Sponsors]

    5:24: Shakedown Hawaii


    6:28: Assassins Creed 4

    £31.99/€39.99/$29.99 [As of 12th Feb]

    8:40: Ashen


    9:32: Saints Row The 3rd

    £17.49/€19.99/$19.99 [As of 12th Feb]

    10:22: Red Faction: Guerrilla


    Upcoming Games:

    10:58: Gods & Monsters

    RRP: TBC

    12:08: Outer Worlds

    RRP: TBC

    Final Shoutouts:

    Dragon Builders 2



  8. Thumbs up to having Rav power as a sponsor. I have a samsung s5 (old phone these days). I bought 2 rav power batteries for it. It has made my phone "like new" as I have a brand new battery, despite it being an old phone?.

    Excellent video as usual fellas ?

  9. Times 3 durability, add a system where you can repair weapons if you dont break them, crafting things like arrows and an actually cook book that populates as you discover recipes.

  10. The question of the day why have we not got GTA V on the switch yet. I have brought that game twice already and I would buy it again on the switch

  11. Just Cause 2 and GTA4 are like the easiest to port and easy cash grabs, especially mother f'n Borderlands 2. C'mon Nintendo. Sleeping Dogs, Dead Island and Dead Rising where they at??
    Also Warframe has a massive Open World level that's bigger than most games here, it's just that the fast mobility mechanics make it seem smaller than it is. Impressive for a f2p games, especially how high you can transverse and fly through the air, while also having deep dungeons with large crevices. There's also DCUO, which aged pretty badly, but still a pretty good one for newcomers to explore around. But I guess your list aren't for strictly online play only games?

  12. A lot of good games on that list for sure ! I'm a little worried about the performance of Outer Worlds on the Switch but we'll see !

    I noticed a lot of false cuts and flash frames on that video, I'm guessing the editing was a bit rushed ? 😛

  13. Gotta be honest…

    An open world game I would love … Is Yakuza and Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning. Those would be epic on the go!

    Love the "friends" shirt

  14. Iv been an avid PS4 player for years, I picked up a switch because my friend had one and I didn』t think too much of it. Today I』m a switch enthusiast, it』s so great.

  15. Awesome t shirt Glen! I was initially a bit confused/surprised but then I looked closer and all became clear

    My childhood dog (a black lab) in the mid 80s was called Jason as I was a massive fan of the film growing up. Everyone else just thought I was a bit weird as a 7year old for giving my pet a real name

  16. Glad to see you guys are getting sponsors as well, perfect not too obtrusive and helps keep you guys going. This year will be the year of 100k subs:)

  17. Skyrim on switch I just wish they allowed for modding so things like unofficial patch would be nice. If they selected a larian style gift bag would be great

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