
Google Pixel 4動手使我感到自己受到了攻擊。您會明白我的意思的。

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  1. I bet new Pixel 4 as scrap as all gadgets from Google. I have Pixel 3 XL and I cannot express how much I hate this garbage. Just money on wind. The battery is in couple in 4-5 hours, the performance is lower than in mine iPhone 6. Bluetooth so stupid – sometimes cannot connect to my car or 0
    Pixel Buds headphones (this one even worse than Pixel phone).
    Google should apologise for Earth for using sources in such useless way.

  2. This phone is terrible. Lets be real. And i hate saying that since ive had the Nexus 5, then Nexus 5x, and ive been waiting and waiting and waiting for something to replace my Nexus 5X but google just cant deliver. Now ive got a Samsung A51 – the price is right, the specs are really good, but it has all that bloat ware you would expect which is a big minus and why i prefer pure google phones. But i couldnt wait any longer 🙂 So A51 it is!

  3. These hand gestures kind of remind me of my old Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which even Samsung abandoned. Anyway, gimmicks are why I chose to go with OnePlus 7T when I replaced my LG G6.

  4. The good part of the phone :
    -The back looks good(seriously, I do love the camera cutout)
    -Stock Andrio
    -Great Camera
    -Battery Life (no battery no life)
    -No Wide angle
    -Big forehead (I dont mind slim forehead but that forehead is huge)

  5. That small battery in pixel 4 is actually a physical version of digital well being so that you dont use your phone for long

  6. How do the android strikers feel now?
    Google itself chose the way of iPhones! The camera module, no headphone jack, only face unlock. Say something 🙂

  7. Yeah, without ultra-wide, no free unlimited backup, and with the cost at $700, nah, I will wait for the Pixel 5 and the Samsung S11 to see what the competition has for us.

  8. November 24 Google Fi, I am an existing customer and was just able to order the Pixel 4 xl 128 GB with Fi and $500 Fi credit!!! Amazing deal, good till December 2.

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