取消裝箱每個Google Pixel 4

將每個Google Pixel 4和Google Pixel 4 XL拆箱。顏色包括「明顯白色」,「如此橙色」和「僅黑色」。


  1. I got old android phone which I've been used for 2+years and now having issues with its battery? I would love to get one of this pixel 4 version please ???

  2. THIS PHONE IS THE WORSSSST!!! Bought it and it stopped working on day 4! Dont do it! Pics were good but if phone doesnt work what diff does it make! Dont buy! =(

  3. I bet new Pixel 4 as scrap as all gadgets from Google. I have Pixel 3 XL and I cannot express how much I hate this garbage. Just money on wind. The battery is in couple in 4-5 hours, the performance is lower than in mine iPhone 6. Bluetooth so stupid – sometimes cannot connect to my car or 0
    Pixel Buds headphones (this one even worse than Pixel phone).
    Google should apologise for Earth for using sources in such useless way.

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