Xbox Series X和Ps5是否被保留? |開發人員大聲疾呼關於反向兼容性下一代遊戲機

幾年來,Xbox已在其Xbox One控制台上恢復兼容。而且似乎相同的功能將出現在Xbox Series X中。


一直以來,Microsoft和Xbox都能在很長一段時間內執行此強大功能。並且將繼續在Xbox Series X上這樣做。但是,這是否會使開發人員無法在下一代控制台上進行操作? PlayStation 5真的可以在多代產品上實現兼容嗎?讓我們找出答案。


Xbox GamerTag-Zalker87。

  1. This title is bit of click bait IMO. Next gen console held back. WTF???. Both next gen system are desktop Zen2 APU』s. If anything it will allow devs more freedom. Clearly you』ve NEVER worked/or helped in game industry and/or understand game development.

    Xbox = 「 No first party games for first year for next gen Xbox」 ouch. Sound like Xbox 1st party games aren』t ready for next gen and or all Xbox devs/studios will still target base Xbox one (1.4 Tflops) and window 10 BS. Xbox isn』t the most friendly company. While they have gotten better with some things. They MANY areas where MS has gotten worst. Windows 10 only push (with built in telemetry built into the os/win10 updates breaking stuff/deleting your HDD). MS/Xbox has been pushing for more ads/MTX/loot boxes in their games. And horrible/laggy os/lay out on Xbox one/x. Can』t stand Xbox UI. Loved my 360 back in days. Look at MTX in minecraft imo how they slowly killing it imo. While java (pc/consoles) version is where most ppl still play. The fact modding community brought path tracing to MC before Mojang/MS/Nvidia all jumped into bed because they see 「 $$$$$$$$」 I really hope MS/Mojang don』t lock off RTX Mc only Nvidia hardware. I hope they bring out RT MC for both PC and next gen consoles. If lock behind RTX Only bs. It more proof how greedy MS is become. And no longer about gaming. 🙁

    But when comes down to it. It』s about the GAMES right? Games sell systems. Nintendo switch is less powerful but it has sold very well. As has PS4 simple cuz it has many 1st party games. My fear is MS hasn』t learned anything this gen and again is trying push more powerful systems while games list has been kinda very lacking and not their priority. As Phill said 「 Sony isn』t their competitor」 WTF? as if streaming google stadia is? Hahahah maybe in 10+ yrs. game streaming is horrible right now vs local hardware. Latency will always be issue. Pc/consoles will always be better experience vs stream games.

    Love both consoles and my pc (just built R7 2700x), to say in the title next gen consoles will be holding system back is PURE bullshit. Consider BOTH system are using custom Desktop AMD zen 2 APU. It going be very interesting too see what both Sony/Microsoft and even Nintendo do.

    Ps3 was IBM cell cpu which was KNOWN be pain in the ass to code for. To emulate it (ps3 system) on PS4 was prob posable, but pain in the ass and lack of performance needed to run it. You can only code so much till you basically hit a well because hardware is too weak to run it. Sony prob choose not tackle that simple cuz not worth it to run on PS4 weak mobile APU.

    This gen PS4/Nintendo and Pc seem be generally choice. Sony atm looks favourable simple because amounts 1st party studios they own. This gen has been Sony and pc mostly. Last gen I loved my Xbox 360 back then played mostly on it and pc, with few ps3 exclusive. Next gen could change, but time will tell. IMO do not like current direction MS has been going and our Xbox one S has been collecting dust mostly vs Ps4/Pc and switch. Microsoft has been MORE Greedy with ADS/MTX/Loot boxes bullshit and lying too the public. If MS got more 1st party companies and pushed out more exclusive. Id be happy again. 360 days again would be epic. No Sony/Nintendo are NOT innocent either. Nor are most game companies. So don』t call me fan boy. When simply fan of gaming in general.

    I』m ex beta tester, small server admin/ex moderator (tech help guy) from small steam indie dev team and been gaming both on pc/consoles since intel 8088/86 days/Atari 2600 days and been building PC since early 90』s. I remember Tandy PCs/Apple ii2e and even old IBM clones with green screens lol.

  2. Ever heard of Crapgamer?
    He was the go-to proXbox tuber last gen.
    Unfortunately, his convinctions on the greatness of Xbox were too ahead of their time.
    After 7 years of listening to him, I think your fate will be the same but even worse since this will be the last gen for Xbox as we know it.

  3. Shuhei Yoshida has already gone on record back in December 2019 saying that dev feedback for porting and developing games to the PS5 from the PS4 is simple and that it is the easiest PlayStation console to develop for. I don』t really think this qualifies as news at this point. Unless, we are strictly talking about Xbox, then it is news.

  4. The main difference between the PlayStation and the Xbox is that the PlayStation has changed a lot over time between the various consoles they have had. The original Xbox even had a hard drive when the ps2 was still using memory cards. Also games purchased on the ps3 will not just show up on the ps4. Final fantasy vii was rerelease for the ps3 digitally then there was a ps4 version that added trophies. On the Xbox one you can play compatibles original Xbox games but there are no achievements.

  5. Yeah no. Devs already stated ps5 is easiest console to develop for in history. We don't know what generation that is going yo be compatible with the ps5. We do know devs already had their hands on the ps5. Not so much Xbox series x. So still they're talking about xbox360 and the Xbox one…

    Ps4 only going to last a year after the ps5 drops. Microsoft consoles which are even less powerful then the ps4 is going to be the problem.

    Sure the can use the cloud, but not everyone going to have the cloud…

    So do you have proof, that the games that is going to be on the older Xbox is microsoft implying that it's only going to be in the cloud and not physical copy or downloadable content?

  6. They already confirmed to be full back compat and all will have trophies and enchantments plus Xbox doesn』t want ps5 to have back compat because just the ps2 games list is more then all Xbox generations and the better games that』s just ps2 add ps1 ps3 and it will be a lopsided slaughter because sonys generations have the better games and far more too

  7. Speaking as old school gamer who's been playing since day one release of Mario it's a joke developer's are crying about a little bit of extra work games use to last week's or months to beat them now if you get 8 hours of solid game play it's a shocker they release half a game and make you pay 2 or more times more then the base games price to get your full game plus all the micro transaction case n point Conan 60 bucks full price 7 dlcs at 10 bucks a pop plus now they are talking a paid dlc map . These people milk us for every last dime we have yet cry about having to work a bit harder I want the drugs they are taking

  8. So they interviewed a developer owned by Google, regarding affects of back compat on consoles? With Typhoon Studios being an exclusive Stadia developer, I have to wonder if there is any merit to his comments.

  9. Sony is basically the Apple of gaming, and only in a bad way.
    it has a very closed and isolated approach and it also has people that will buy their products no matter what.
    From the other hand it doesn't have the quality and high standards of Apple, not even close.

  10. I was out of gaming for about 10 yrs. When I thought, " do I want to jump into PS4 or Xbox one, the MS backwards compatible with the the 360 titles I have made the decision. I now happily play a gears of war xbox one x edition with Gamepass plus thanks to "all access"

  11. I don』 t want to play old games as long as there are new quality games coming out. For example, when new BF 6 comes out I am leaving BF 5 behind. I am really interested in new graphics and new physics. Why on earth would we care for old games, especially if we are already done with them. Maybe if they remaster games like rdr 2 for next gen, I would play it in a new provided experience. Because these type of games do not release every year but rather every 6 years… It is all about new progress in development and making games better and real life like. Not just graphics, physics as well and overall feel you get when playing a game. GTA IV feels like trash against GTA V – and this is how it will go on. God I hope they can do a quantum leap with FIFA and PES games, because it seems to me, that these games are 10 years behind the capability of the current state of game industry.

  12. I have thought for a while that their was no reason why the PS4 could not play PS3 games sandbox emulation does not need to have the same hardware as the previous generation. The main problem with backwards compatibility is licensing and it cost money.

  13. Thanks Zalker, good video buddy. Going to be interesting to see how third party devs handle any issues if any. I also really hope we don』t start seeing consoles every few years. I just don』t feel that model will work for consoles like it does for cell phones. Besides if the console hardware changes constantly may as well just focus on PC at that point. I personally think 4 years between new gen consoles is a good balance.

  14. Remember how this channel used to be less biased/fueling console wars, and more trying to talk about enjoying gaming in general? Yeah, I remember those days. If only we could go back.

  15. As a customer I don't care about developer they should care about us and what we want as a customer so I don't know why that should be a problem

  16. The author of the article got a bit confused. The developer is not talking about back compatibility. He is talking about developing multiple versions of their games for multiple platforms. That includes current gen consoles like Xbox One, Xbox One X, PS4, PS4 Pro as well as next-gen consoles like the Series X, Series S, the PS5 and PC. 2-3 years after that the next iterations of the next-gen consoles will arrive. While transitioning to exclusive next-gen development would have made things a little easier for developers, supporting the older gen brings up a whole different set of issues that Microsoft might have a bit more of an incentive to make the necessary trade offs, but not every every developer would.

  17. Series X is going to essentially be a console version of the PC. Even Phil Spencer said he wants to bring more top end PC style games to the console itself. Better fps, graphics, and substance for games. Phil is the best thing to happen to box and if those devs they acquired have free roam it's definitely going to be an interesting next gen

  18. Yes, excited for back compat. Back compat is actually mandatory for me. Not too excited for many of the upcoming games, which is always the case with a new gen so the ability to play my current favs with better settings, load times, etc is what I'm looking for. I'll get into the newer games when I have the time

  19. On the xbox platform I doubt this dev would have any issues with backwards compatibility, MS has been out and real clear to us and the developers that thy been on the works hard to make it as easy for this developers to scale there games on many of xbox ecosystem platforms, it has been working till this day great with Xbox one and even older games are enhanced to even look and run better on Xbox one. yes I do think the problem could be on Sony's side this is something sony have not done before and can sony really develope a good enough software for this developers to use backwards compatibility? If Sony cant deliver this could cause a problem and delay of games.

  20. Do you remember when Xbox first announced they would have backwards compatibility and Sony's official statement on it was "No one wants to play old games"

  21. no chance Sony can do what Xbox has done…
    Xbox has invested time in it.. Phill has been playing 360 and og Xbox games on the series X already… so every game that runs on the one x right now will run on the series X….

    The problem for Sony is emulation.. if they emulate PS3, ps2 and ps1 games they'll have to get permission for each game… Xbox has already done that and still doing it…..

    The ps5 will be compatible with PS4 and that is it…

  22. The article linked in the description is confusing, but I believe the dev is saying that bringing old games to a 4K capable of console requires work as people who own said 4K console will want 4K assets in those games.

  23. I think most people have no idea how in reality back compatibility works, how much of a support nightmare it is.
    If you think games which developers are dead, studio disbanded long time ago will get any support for a 2020 console you are delusional.

  24. I was very disappointed with Xbox backwards compatibility because it only plays certain games you couldn't play all of them. I hope the PS5 has it where you put in the game and it works, PS1,2,3,4.

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