8.3旋轉指南| Fire Mage ST,AoE等! |魔獸世界:艾澤拉斯之戰

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Monster Monstercat音樂


  1. Okay so about scorch weaving. To do it properly you need to be in melee range. This normally applies mostly in M+ scenarios, or when you find yourself stacked under the boss, should it be the case. Sorry I wasn't clear on that.

  2. Yooo nice vid maaan love it short and clearly! I already do the same. But I have lucid dreams r1 is the issue maybe? I combastion I can't get so many blasters out. So I need to get the bracher and lucid r2/3? Or do I need more tempo xmage-blackrock 😛 maybe you can take a look

  3. Weaving at it's most simple basically just means you're trying to have your instant cast spells right at the end of a channeled spell, right?

  4. Thank you very much for the video, just switched to fire mage after being frost for about 7 years and was kinda lost lol. definitely subbing

  5. Im not too sure how u can weave with scorch since it has no travel time.
    So during searing touch is it :
    Scorch- fire blast – pyro – and just scorch without checking if pyro crit or not? Could toy explain this part again please?

  6. Hey i personally find that caster meteor mid-combustion when u are already at 3 stacks of BM gives off a better ignite than when starting ur combust with meteor

  7. Hey Pre thx for the Guide
    If i do the Opener exactly like you i only burst arround 80-85k but without BL
    I have the mechagon bracers and lucid dremas but not the aszhara trinket:

    But if i do my opener like this- Prepot,Rune,Lucid dreams, combustion, fireblast,pyro etc, than mechagon bracers, i burst about 110k also without BL
    i guess i do something wrong with your opener ? and i also do meteor with 2 master blaster stacks

  8. does it matter if you use the bracers after a fire blast or pyroblast? or do you get the same amounf of fire blasts refunded anyways as long as you're only casting both spells only?

  9. oh my god yes!! i need something like this so much, but i have question
    mob is under 30% hp, so i amc scorching, should i use pyro blast even when i have hot streak procced? to keep blaster master?

  10. I have a question @PREHEET. Outside of combust when I get a heating up proc I know we use a fireblast to get the insta. But my question is should we wait until we have multiple fireblast on deck so we have the possibility of the rolling masterblaster (say it crits, we fireblast during the next cast so we have 2 stacks, then if that crits we once again fireblast to keep the master blaster stacks up @ 3) OR.. if we only have 1 stack do we proc the insta cast and if it crits then cross your fingers that your cast crits on its own. Im having trouble telling which is the proper way. If we always just use the fireblast for the insta, or if its better to not use the fireblast to proc insta until we have 2 + FB casts available so we can keep chaining the master blaster buff.

    It's kind of hard to put into words what Im asking so if it's confusing sorry :/

  11. How important is azshara font of power? I wasn』t able to get it last patch and I don』t really have the time to add another raid day to my schedule in order to obtain it. Is the wcm trinket and a 440 pvp trinket a viable alternative or should I just stick to other specs/classes

  12. I was playing around with my Mage, but this is way too much. This is def for the dedicated Mage player. What do you do if you don't have two trinkets? What trinkets are they supose to be? What bracers do you have to have?

  13. In terms of execute weaving with scorch is it worth to run in melee so that pyroblast not critting doesn't lose you heating up procs, in the same principle that you fireball into pyroblast so that if one crits and the other doesn't they don't override?

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