銷毀的iPhone X恢復和透明外殼重建

現在是時候將這個嚴重損壞的iPhone X變成使用自定義透明外殼的同類手機了。
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該視頻和說明包含會員鏈接,這意味著,如果您單擊其中一個產品鏈接,我將獲得少量傭金。 。

  1. And since she need some adhesive from the antennas it should make your self service in your Wi-Fi service better too because of my iPhone I don』t really get good service cause I got straight talk wireless and it runs off the Verizon network I just don』t get no good service so what I do if I make sure my intent of bands are really really clean and sometimes I don』t get no service I put a little bit of a lumen them foil while it』s heating foil use it for your furnace it』s kind of like sticky but it』s at stick it right they』re not really sticking hard to stick it on until the band room makes my service goes all the way up to five bars

  2. I tried to fix an Ipad air which was my first one and it was a disaster.. I could barely see the tiny screws and when I heated up the screen cover to remove it and I accidentally caught a ribbon cable which ruined the repair.. I had all of my screws in a small cup and my mom came over like a wrecking ball and moved everything plus she knocked all my screws onto the floor.. Needless to say, they were never to be found again.. So now I have just a skeleton of an Ipad with nothing by a motherboard and a battery left in my junk box.. Live and learn I guess..

  3. Unfortunately I won't ever be able to buy one of this housing from this guy because of a tiny small little issue related to his mother being a whore, me telling him that, and probably some dicks sucked along the way. But otherwise my phone is pretty damn awesome.

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