WoW BFA 8.3中的每小時42k簡易農場-黃金種植,黃金製作指南



(PC)-Cyber​​powerPC Wyvern:
(滑鼠)-Razor Naga Trinity:
(監視器)-iiYama Black Hawk:
(鍵盤)-Logitech K120:




毀容-空白/ NoCopyrightSounds


…有一個美好的一天,男孩和女孩! 🙂

  1. It seems like with the new ah price just fluctuates with trade goods, maybe try flipping them buying when low and selling higher or save your trade goods until prices go higher 🙂

  2. This farm spot is way more slower than nazjatar, cuz you can utilize skin enchant in nazjatar and respwan timer is way faster, snapdragons drop Flank which has a higher sell rate, but as of today the price of each dredged leather has reduced to 17 gold in my realm which made it really inefficient. but still i think its still better than other farmings like mining, 3 hours of farm and a bag value of 170k

  3. this farm is kinda dead anymore because of price so low i remember seaweawes and leathers was 150-200 gold each i farmed with 2 character like crazy and got 4 tokens in 3 days

  4. Dala, I don't know if you're aware of Katie Stampwhistle, but it's a toy that allows you to summon a mailbox anywhere you are every 3 hours. The questline is relatively short, starts from a letter on the ground in legion dalaran, and works on all toons. I use this when I have a toon such as my skinner parked out in a farm spot so I don't have to fly out there all the time and waste farming time. Might want to look into it.

  5. Hey dala! Yet another great vid!
    I recently started to do some tmog farming as well. One of the dungeons I did was Dire Maul (recommended by you in an other video ?)
    During the farm I got really really lucky: I got the pattern: star belt!
    According to tsm it's around 250k on my realm. But it is currently listed for 400+k.
    I know it's probably most profitable to sell the pattern, but I was wondering what the sell rate and price on the crafted item is. I Can 't find info on that as there are none on the ah. Where can i find that info and what would jou do with it? Sell or learn to craft the item?

  6. So you open the video with 「for obvious reasons, I am currently in Uldum」

    What obvious reasons? The video just started that makes no sense lol

  7. I love transmog farming, its much more diverse than farming herbs or ores in my mind. It's been a bit on the backburner for me currently though until I get my brutosaur. Vial of the Sands and Panthers just sell so much faster than transmog does. Having said that… 400k only to go and the long boi shall be mine <3

  8. Hey Dala, great haul today! I'm glad you also tried Goldenroute's dredged leather farm, the more results I see the better. I'm still trying to get my skinners some higher ilvl gear etc for survivability so I haven't tried it yet. Also, make sure to take care of yourself and your health <3

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