我的女朋友和我購買WEIRD Nintendo Switch遊戲!

怪異,陌生和晦澀與我的女友金任天堂Switch多人遊戲/合作遊戲!我們在澳大利亞發現的歐洲地區獨家Nintendo Switch遊戲!金的頻道-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkKlncSbDvLUjrLYzVWs_qA


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  1. HEY! I'm officially BACK making content again! New videos every other day or so from now to the end of the year! Let's have a GREAT 2020 and hit 1 MILLION SUBS! ❤️

  2. the first game the marathon one reminds me of micro maniacs that was on ps1 it was creepy little creatures that you race around different obstacle courses set in different areas of a house and outside

  3. i'd love to see nippon marathon made for all country's XD like the Netherlands would have cheese thrown at everyone, Germany has beer and schnitzels, france has baked goods, i'd just love to see continuation of that game XD

  4. Super Cane Magic Zero is an italian game made by an italian comic artist / youtuber named Sio!! He's great, the game includes all the characters from his comics, haha! ^_^

    (The title translates to: Super Dog Magic Zero btw, cane = dog in italian)

  5. Super cane magic zero actually means super magic dog zero in Italian, it was made by a famous Italian cartoonist called sio, he even has a YouTube channel as well as a few books and a magazine. If you speak Italian definitely pick up an issue of Scottecs (his magazine)!

  6. I'm surprised you were able to find a version of super cane magic zero with English box art. All I've ever found is the generic Asia version and the Japanese version. I believe the age of version supports English subtitles but I don't know about the Japanese version and I really prefer physical games so I've been holding off on it. If anyone knows where I can buy that Australia version let me know please

  7. Nippon marathon is an amazing game iv got it on my ps4 im from the uk so watch ps access play it also try kitten squad brilliant f2p game on switch

  8. dang
    first game
    looks like a phone game that has ads every few minutes
    that cost 3$ for no ads?
    looks like the pringle face

    cheap indy games
    that take over todays systems

  9. Serious question!! What did you guys do with the cats? My fiancé and I have a big vacay coming up and I am thinking of options!!

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