如何在8.3版中製作數百萬的黃金|翻轉被打破| BFA黃金指南

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獲取TSM Premium:https://tradeskillmaster.com/a/breg


我的TSM Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/u/breg123
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  1. Breg my dude, thanks for the great (as always) video! I just looked at my own AH on Ravencrest, which is a huge server. I wish I could link a screenshot.. There were 15 Bulwarks, 66 footpads of delusion, 39 gauntlets, etc. on the AH. How does large quantities of the items we're trying to flip affect the flipping game? Maybe you talk about this in one of your vids, if so, could you point me to it? <3 cheers!

  2. Took your advice since I have never done boe flipping before, bought some 430 corrupted gear for 50k sold it literally a day after posting for 200k! Need to get more into flipping! Thanks for the great advice!

  3. Now we need a custom search sniper string for items with 50+ corruption… high ilvl and those 3 proc effects… but i guess the corruption and procs arent possible to filter… or gem sockets for that matter

  4. What I took away from this video is that Breg is one of those people who still do not use Youtube dark theme. Savages

  5. Hey breg, just want to point out that the higher the corruption = the worse the item is. What you want is a LOW corruption level with a GOOD proc effect. Higher corruption doesn't equal more dps, in fact it means you are likely to die from the side effects. That's why the +15 corruptions in your video are more valuable.

    Just wanted to point it out before everyone starts spending gold on +60 corruption pieces thinking they are better than +15 for example.

  6. hi bregs i am following and using your videos from one month ago but though i was an ultra noob gold maker i learned how to make 30k gold in a week (but i also used some of other youtubers videos just to be honest lol) i began gold making with you videos but now i found an idea about it, i only have one acc with one char and only the legion content i planning to use my gold on making the battle net balance for purchasing the compelete edition of game have you any advice about it ?

    if you answered me i am so thankful about it but if not im sorry for wasting your time with this comment 🙂

    and just thank you for your videos they made me a gold maker 😀

  7. Hey Breg i was wondering how on earth you find these things out do you message through the gold making community or is there a reddit or some form of website that talks about gold making?

  8. I do love these, they give me the 30 seconds of confidence I need to make these massive investments.

    But hey, a question if you're willing to answer: being more of a "buy and sell" gold maker (as opposed to farm and shuffle), have you been up to any new tricks as a result of the new auction house?
    I've personally found it very easy to freeze market prices, as you don't need to undercut costs to undercut auctions anymore (and those who do undercut do so manually by about 10-25% at a time – making them easy buyouts). I'm curious if you've been up to anything similar, as the upgrade has mostly gone over as something thats just kinda happened.

  9. just bought a 460 ring with socket and mastery proc on it. low corruption. got it for 300k and the next ring with corruption (bad vers corruption) was 575k. hoping it sells for 550k

  10. Hey. Just wanted to pop in and say I finally got my longboi after starting with goldmaking in BFA. I started watching your videos in late legion and learned alot from them. There has been alot of trying and failing, but I finally made it (especially from learning how to save gold lol).

    And for the curious, my main goldmaking method have been from crafting respec tomes, vantus runes and pvp armor/weapons. Also, when I finally got the missing mail, I had 1.7 million gold waiting and was my biggest mailbox ever. ?

    Anyways, thanks breg!

  11. What do you do when there's a large number of other players doing the same flipping strategy? My problem is usually the boe's are already listed for at or near region average price

  12. Found a 445 cloth legs with +75 corruption and Infinite Star on them. Bought for 275k and market value is 1.13M. Fingers crossed I supposed.

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