




  1. HERE IS HOW A PLAYSTATION 4 WORKS: You plug in the HDMI cable to the back of the TV and than you plug in power cord in the power outlet and that's it. You created this complicated mess and nobody wants to take out your own trash.

  2. I love the concept, however. It does sort of seem complicated when i try to think on how this could possibly work, and dont want to risk trying it wasting money.

  3. well here is your flaw if your running a game elsewhere and broadcasting the video to a tv the latency would be a terrible experience unless there is some magic connection that has instant video over vast distances… still what a huge waste of money because no one will buy this.. and please stop spamming adds its really annoying or at least make your add less cringy.

  4. I want this idea to actually work. But so many issues going on with it that need to be fixed before I would even try it.

    1. The most important thing is I would have to know they won't be exiting the market and taking my whole library with them.

    2. Pricing on old games at full price is unacceptable.

    3. Make an option to download for offline play. Netflix has it why can't you?

    4. Fix performance issues.

    5. New games need to be seen released to the platform day 1 same as others.

    6. Next gen is coming. Your platform's performance can't even compete with current gen. Fix this quickly.

    7. If you can't make offline play possible make it so it can work with LTE data connections. Otherwise it's not truly gaming anywhere anytime.

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