

  1. We are quite different. I am seeing CM coming in slowly, 30 or 50. And I certainly am not enamored with HV. I am bout ready to putter around in pre-BFA content until Shadowlands pre-patch

  2. Rep needs to be account wide, it's ridiculous to expect each alt to do the same grind. At least Pathfinder applies across the board, but they'd have had a revolution on their hands if it hadn't, they just need to apply that everywhere.

  3. How did I not notice the essence req dropping to revered?

    I was dreading the grind until now, now I』m 500 rep away from getting r3 breath and I haven』t done the dailies yet.

  4. I think Blizz is planning to replace world quests with these "events" they've scattered across uldum/Vale because idk? They've been around for 3 expansions so why not

  5. Oh hell yes. We'll all have rank 3 Breath of the Dying unlocked by next raid night. rank 3 gives 400% increase so that's… 50 RPPM. (base is 10RPPM). Which means during execute phase of last 20% it'll be proccing almost every second. Holy shit.
    We had Heroic N'Zoth down to 16% yesterday. He's gonna die a quick death next raid night. 😀

  6. I'm glad people are enjoying the new patch. I just can't get into it. I've been playing since Vanilla, but I'm finally considering quitting. I basically log in to put stuff on AH and level another character I won't play. 🙁

  7. Very nice video Kelani, love your guides and appreciate all information you provide, and on all of that nice ending Music 😀

  8. I've said it before Kelani, I've enjoyed all of BFA so far until 8.3, but the complete craziness of everything that needs to be done with this damn cloak and gear is making me dig in my heels. I've started it on 2 toons, not got any further than doing the dailies twice. I just can't. You port a few times just to get to the zones and then have to fly to get to the daily zones then fly around for ever looking for the things you need to complete the dailies. I just get annoyed and stop. I want the recipies from reveared for one toon but that's all. They can stick their cloak where the sun don't shine as well as the essences and mounts. I might go do some achieves and level a couple Heritiage toons and say bye until shadowlands instead. Very disappointed with this patch, first time ever.

  9. you must be new to wow… they have been doing this since fucking forever.. – Its Exalted At First. Before its new content.. once it becomes outdated Content it gets scaled down for those running alts. or new players following behind. – could you imagine.. if you just joined the game.. and it took you 3 years to get to a high gear level raid ready char… ?

  10. i miss the days you could put a tabard on.
    and just kill shit and get rep.
    instead of all this TIME GATING shit.
    to make us pay for 1 more month and 1 more month extra to try and stretch the same amount of content as much as possible instead of just making it fun and it will do the job instead.

  11. Honestly, I just stopped doing the dailies all together. I'll get it when I get it. lol Rep grinds are one of the single worst things in WoW. They're boring, uninspired, and just plain suck.

  12. Yeeeeeeessss… YYYYYEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS! Ignore the infinite augment rune. It's not all that great, stay with the simple AH and buy from "kerbie" it's a safe trusted cheap way to avoid a grind.

  13. It's 2020 they need to get over it and treat me as one player. I want to play my other toons but refuse to if I have to do the most boring content in the game every day for over a month in order to use them in anything. Rep should be synced between all characters on a Server outside of any that have a choice associated with them. Quests that give rep (not dailies) should only give rep the first time you do them on an account. IF they do another stupid neck like item that should be syncd as well.

  14. I rejoined for 8.3 after quitting shortly after BFA launch. After 3 weeks I'm sick of the rep grinds and still no flying. I've finished all story content and feel like there is nothing left but the daily grind. Its not fun.

  15. Still….waiting for your UI addon setup information. Patiently (I asked you awhile back to PLEASE show us the ones you use with a setup) I want to use your style but don't know your settings.

  16. Guess they have noticed that ALLOT of players wont be around for the next month so this they hit another panic button. This does not want me to come back to play at all. To me this patch is a flop and that this is what we are supposed to do until the next expansion… its just not enough.

  17. The assaults don't feel like assaults, I wish it was more like the Legion pre-patch, they should be affecting more zones and impact low-level areas as well.

  18. lets be honest here – if you didnt grind your alts from early on you dont profit from this
    on your main it doesnt realy matter because you are most likely doing the daylies anyway but my alt wont ever be dooing it so whatever …

  19. They need to let you get a tabard at revered instead of exalted. It』s dumb. Use to be revered then extra rep with tabard on

  20. They did it so method could kill n'zoth with the rank 3 breth of the dying. Thank god they couldnt get the kill or we may be grinding rep still!

  21. meh, I quit after I saw that essences were not going to be accound wide. I love alts.. but, I also have a fucking job..lol and other shit to do. hopefully Shadowlands will change that. if not. im done with the game. ill still follow the story… sad really.

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