您只需要看一下2020年奧斯卡頒獎典禮-觀看所有精彩片段! | THR新聞

「 Parasite」獲得了四項奧斯卡金像獎,其中包括當晚最佳頒獎典禮和最佳導演獎。 。

  1. Oscar recap : just three awards out of 20+, every song performed is recaped though somehow, billie eilish stupid face as well. Hollywood reporter you should know better.

  2. "The only recap you need to see" shut the fuck up you remind me of those cunts who try and fit in with highschool boys…… YOU ARE NOT COOL….HOLLYWOOD IS FAKE TRASH.

  3. I finally watched the movie yesterday. I was disappointed. It wasn't even oscar worthy. I didn't consider it a dark comedy. It was a tragic gory movie showing how desperate poor con artists can become.

  4. Look at all these prideless victims, so virtuous, so woke so fecking what, Hollywood stars telling you how to think and act when they are from an industry rife with paedophilia ffs, Pitt is another cretin.

  5. Parasite is a great choice because it deals with inequality which is the biggest issue today. One symptom of inequality is getting Trump as President, amongst other things.

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