Doctor vs. Google |醫生被高估了

歡迎來到我的新叢書Doctor vs. Google!我知道我們每個人都喜歡在有醫療問題時嘗試使用Google搜索,有時這種類型的搜索很好,但是基於自動完成功能,它很容易被忽視,或者只是獲得奇怪的搜索結果。

我決定將經典的自動完成視頻格式轉換為它的格式,並且只對我的Google搜索做出反應,因為我們每周都會討論一個特定主題。這周的話題是essssss …「醫生」,Yay =]希望您喜歡這種新格式,如果願意,請務必喜歡並發表評論以告知我。

鏈接到MD / DO視頻:



聯繫人電子郵件:[email protected]

340 W 42nd St#2695
紐約州NY 10108

Mikhail Varshavski博士(邁克博士)


  1. Most doctors do it for money, actually, all of them work for the money. Obviously you lie at an interview. Everyone does that. Plays little girl "duh" meme

  2. Why do we 'need' diversity? Like really, I don't understand that. Shouldn't we have the best doctors based on their qualities and not on their gender or color?

  3. My only question that did not get answered is 「why is the handwriting of doctors unreadable by normal/ordinary people」 but any health care specialists can read them easily… is it encrypted??

  4. The problem with wanting racial diversity in the medical field has nothing to do with racism like some people swear by as the truth, but is rather do to the population of black people in the USA being 14.6%, the Asian America being around 5.6% a few years ago, growing to a tad bit more now, and Hispanics or Latinos only make up approximately 17% of the United States. So it has nothing to do with Racism, but that White people or other closer mixes to white than 'black' people take up approximately 64% more of the population than other races. Now, with only 0.29% of Legal American Citizens being doctors, it makes sense why there are so few black, Asian, Latino, or Hispanic people in the medical field. Their population is just at a lower vantage point when compared to average statistics over the years.

  5. I just looked up 'why does my right side hurt' on Google, and apparently I either have a severe tear/ulcer, I have something wrong with my lung and it will collapse very soon, or I have a tumor which is pressing against my liver.

  6. Dr. Mike, an elderly person has lived a lifetime of adulthood, and age doesn't diminish the ability to handle diversity, it strengthens it. An elder should never be mislead or infantilized. I appreciate the fact that you stated you were honest and straight forward. Everyone deserves that regardless of age.

  7. Mom: its just a cough
    Dad: its just a cough
    the pervert down the street: its just a cough
    google: its just a cough
    bing: Goodbye my friend…

  8. I put doctors are in google and got….
    Not gods
    The worst patients
    Not rich
    Torturing dementia patients
    Not scientists
    Fleeing abusive medicine

  9. "we cannot focus on a patients care" – a doctor.

    doctors are overrated, proven statement.

    why are you a doctor if you cannot be a doctor? Money, the real reason you became one, the real reason you can be manipulated into being an administrator. How about elaborating on how baldness is a hormonal issue and how we can stop it?

    because hair is your reward?

  10. I don't think doctors are overrated. I believe it's probably the most important job on this planet. Saving someone's life and taking care of them is not an easy job. Their job get worse whenever there is a virus outbreak. People rely on them and trust them. It's a job more closer to the God's work. So many inventions and so many cures are founded by them of various deadly diseases. Their community is still working hard and trying to find the solutions of various uncured diseases.
    Yes there are mean and greedy doctors out there. But that doesn't mean doctor's profession is bad.

  11. Doctors 「can』t」 help people. I would go one step further and say that doctors are people and that people are not primed by nature to help other people since the entirety of evolution has been a pronounced struggle over mates, resources, and territory.

  12. My mum says Doctors have bad handwriting because their brain is working faster than their hands and that sloppy handwriting is a sign of intelligence

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