您應該購買遊戲PC還是等待Xbox Series X和PS5?

您應該購買PC還是Xbox Series X / PS5?很好的問題! PC Centric打破了PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X與PC的優缺點-遊戲PC是否值得?還是下一代控制台?

遊戲PC入門指南:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = cWesnhx9k80

我的£750 PC Build !: https://youtu.be/y_iaOfMCcDs

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我的PC和Setup Gear(這些都是評論樣本*):

我的顯示器-LG 34GK950F:


我最喜歡的遊戲鍵盤:(Corsair K63無線)


我的滑鼠:(現在更新為Logitech G903)



我的主相機-Blackmagic Pocket 6K:




我的燈-LIFX RGB燈泡:

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  1. Yeah sure if you've got
    -$1,500- $2,000+ for a PC
    $500-$1,000 for a 1440p or 4k gaming monitor.
    Any where from -$50-$300 for a keyboard & mouse
    – $50-$300 for gaming headset.
    Another few hundred -$200-$600 for a Computer desk
    $100-$500 for a gaming or deck chair
    So your looking at about $3,000+ if you can cut costs here & there then the more you'll save , if not buying things new or getting cheap ass budget versions. Unless your gonna put your PC on the Floor or cheap folding table . Yes there's work around with some of those items but as I stated it's not just as simple as just going & buy a Gaming PC with costs . PC gamers like myself spend years building up ALL the items to have a Great Gaming Set up unless your gonna go Drop a Huge amount of cash at once to get everything. Or spend about $6,000 to get the absolute best of everything at one time.

    Youtubers also talk about "Yeah go buy a Gaming pc" for X amount of money but yet forget to mention ALL of the other costs that go along with a PC. As if most people already magically own those items even if they own a Console alrwady so it's not just as simple as just buying a gaming PC & your set . When you don't own anything it's not just as simple as buying a PC .

    I'm a PC gamer & Xbox Gamer .

    But yet with a console 99% of people already have a good enough tv or would buy a 4k tv for $500+ for a O.k Budget 4k TV at about 55" but console gamers that already play & have the highest end Gear like headsets , Controllers, Storage Device Ect Ect. Then only need to upgrade there console & maybe there tv in order to get the most out of the console that already has PC quality graphics like on the Xbox one X and with the Xbox series x that's going to take it to another level with graphics that'll even rival the RTX 2080. And be at 60+ FPS .

    So its $500 for a new console

    or $1,500 – $2,000+ …. plus a monitor & keyboard mouse . Just to get going

  2. Nice video. I think you should make that subscribe animation way bigger, you cannot tell what it is unless full screen at 1440p at least.

  3. I would say PC if you want to get the best bang for your buck in the long term.

    Besides, I dont have any friends so leaving console wouldn't hurt me, and plus I can finally play with real people without a ridiculous membership. If you want the customizability, then PC will help "break the chain" if you will.

  4. I have a gaming rig and PS4 Pro, because LBOX is trash; thus, I』ll continue to enjoy PlayStation』s dope exclusives, and PC』s advantages, next generation.

  5. I just made the switch and dont regret it one bit. I will still buy the series x but I will likely still be a pc player primarily

  6. Next gen vid cards will destroy next gen consoles just like this gen vid cards does with current consoles but its all about the games and Sony has great exclusives.

  7. Just bought a gaming pc for my wife…i7 9700k, 2080 super…I haven't touched my Xbox 1x since.144hz i pure bliss, It was overkill for the sims4, lol.

  8. Put it this way

    Next gen 4k. Pc 4k
    Next gen netflix. Pc netflix
    Next gen HDMI port, pc HDMI port
    Next gen 7.1 surround, pc 7.1 surround
    Next gen internet browser, pc internet browser…

    You know making a video on, wether or not go get pc or wait for next gen is a very silly video 100% indeed wasted everyones time.

    What do current consoles have that pcs dont… What do next gen consoles have that pc dont…


    Theu both connect to a screen, they both support HD, they both have youtube and netflix. They both have an internet browser.

    They both play dvds… They both play movies anf music.

    These videos are pointless because the general public dont give a fuck… They just wana play games that look good. They couldnt really care if its PC or console. As long as keyboard mouse, or controller are both supported one doesnt care.

    The only thing consoles dont really have , is keyboard/mouse, and upgradability.

    Thank god, you know how many xboxs would be fucked if lil kids could try install windows onnit….

    To the general public and the majority of humans arent geeky computer nerd lovers, aslong as its the latest, and it works on my tv i dont care…

    You youtubers act like everyone has (or can afford) 120hz 4k displays…. We cant… So its pointless to even suggest that as a selling point… The companies use that method to raise the price of the console ect.. yeah its a feature, but it wouldnt be if it didnt get any attention would it…not about us. Bout money….

    You weird youtubers expect something buttery smooth 8k 200fps bullshit. Doesnt work like that. In fact the industry is more inclined to selk cheaper products to a larger majority of the planet. To people who enjoy shit. Not shit on shit cause its not good enuf. "Not as a good as a pc" yh fuck off your pc wont even work once i smash the motherboard aroubd your face. And wipe my ass with your oh so cool "GTX XG GT 2000000" no body cares. Blows me away that some youtubers are so stuck in their own heads they think 60k veiws, out of 8 billion, is alot… Its actually not lol… Thats like idek, 0.6% of the world… Sooooo fckn popular this channel is the most veiwed of all time. Stop wasting these 60k peoples times… Stop wasting ya own… Learn how to fuck your missus for longer than 1 minutr and 23 seconds or wel show her how its done…

  9. I built a pc back in like 2008. It was so difficult and when I finally got it running correctly with the correct drivers and settings in the bios I ended up selling it to just put it behind me. With that being said I recently got a razer 15 with the 2070 max q and 9th gen i7. I love that laptop, it』s so rewarding learning how to use keyboard and mouse. I loved it so much so, that I recently started a build of my own with a Ryzen 3800x, 2080ti, and all that Jazz. In comparison to my Xbox one x or ps4 its night and day. I still play my console stuff, but the pc just runs so much better and I have so many options when it comes to games. I literally downloaded destiny twice as fast as it was on the console and it was free. Can』t beat it

  10. Fact, you』re limiting yourself so much with consoles! Almost all games on console come to PC, plus you』ll have the games consoles will NEVER get by having a pc. End of story. Console gaming will be inferior to PC until this changes.

  11. switched to pc 2 years ago and never looked back. Loved my xbox one s but if you have the money theres nothing like 144 frames with the graphic quality available to pc users. No hate to console users if thats what you gotta do tho, gamers respect gamers

  12. Buy an Xbox one x. You would need a $2000 PC to play games with the quality of an Xbox one x,I mean no issues like stuttering,lag,drops in frames, black screens, IAM talky about a PC that would be ideal for a smooth gaming experience.

  13. What are some tips for choosing a motherboard? The CPU/GPU setup I understand pretty well, but looking at various motherboards on part picker I realized I haven't studied enough on that. Lol

  14. I'm buying both next gen consoles simply because I like console gaming. But I'm also going to start working on a gaming PC probably 2021 sometime just to add to my gaming experience.

  15. One other thing worth mentioning is that sometimes the PC port of games can be a mess. Take Arkham Knight, Mortal Kombat X, or even the recent release of Red Dead 2 on PC, where the game was unplayable at launch for up to a week for some players. That's not to say that the same thing doesn't happen on consoles – see Skyrim on PS3 – but it appears to happen much less. The issue USUALLY comes from the fact that the PC port of a game is not handled by the same devs as the console version. It's usually outsourced to another company and there can be issues. That being said, I've been a PC primary player since about 2012, and I love it. I am buying a PS5 just for the exclusives, but once Sony wises up and uses PSNow like Xbox does Xbox Ultimate on PC, where they put all of their first party titles on there, then I'll be ditching my Playstation too, and strictly going PC.

  16. I've been a PC gamer since 1993, it's obvious that I will stick with PC. There are two kinds of people, those that see options on PC as freedom or see those options as inconvenience. If you value freedom so that options can cater to your whim then PC is for you. Otherwise stick with console and believe whatever you believe about what console is to you.

  17. Next GEn Consoles for sure, if your country is like mine (Tax the shit out for each parts of the PC But for console only have to pay tax for whole)

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