肖恩·卡羅爾(Sean Carroll):「深藏的東西:量子世界 […]」 | Google會談


加州理工學院的研究教授,理論物理學家,成就卓著的播客和播客肖恩·卡洛爾(Sean Carroll)將在他的新書《深奧的東西:量子論》中討論某些主題,從而討論量子物理學和量子力學的多世界解釋(MWI)的有效性。世界和時空的出現」。

在進入MWI之前,Sean Carroll提供了有關量子物理學的平易近人的入門知識。他討論了該領域的歷史,著名的理論及其局限性,尚待解答的問題以及如果MWI被證明是正確的,世界將會是什麼樣。



  1. In the nearest future this lectures will be held in Chinese and the communist party leader decides what is that we are going to hear and what is to be reality. 在谷歌聊天.

  2. Thanks for this talk. It's great you show the speaker 99% of the time because we would totally not know what he looks like otherwise. On the oth we can always get access to his slides easily and there is nothing special about one slide from the other. I just love watching a speaker speak.

  3. I've changed my mind so often over the last 10 years in trying to understand quantum mechanics. I've come such a long road, was so stupid in some of that understanding, but slowly, and amazingly surely, it's bottoming out and Carroll is taking me further along that road. I'm finally accepting we have to "abandon" classic physics to find out what the world is really like. I hated it, but God, I now wouldn't want it any other way. I want the quest for knowledge to never end. Classic physics now seems so nice and safe and comfortable, too safe, too comfortable… it had to end. Not that I mean we can live without classical physics, it's just that it is not the real world, even if it is a huge massive part of it from our point of view. It's like the earth is still flat if we were a tribe in the jungle and there's nothing wrong with that either, but as they do bigger things, like the Roman's built canals, they realised it was round.

  4. There is an end for everything. There is death in the Universe. There is a loop when the end comes before the beginning. All events are happening retrospectively after they are being ended. Everything and everybody that is happening is dead already. I think quantum theory is the first, and clumsy, attempt to introduce death into physics. We can do much better then that, I'm sure.

  5. When science is just a business and you are good at writing and talking. Doesn't matter if you don't know what you are saying….just say it professionally and it will sound interesting like a novel to the public. And NEVER talk publicly with a science other than telepersons like you, because they may not know how to talk well but the can rape your narrative for a joke.

  6. God (yes. the God who created the universe) will only allow man to go so far unraveling the mysteries such as quantum physics, before He steps in and shows man who is really in control.
    Also, it doesn't matter if you don't believe in God, because His existence does not depend on man's belief or disbelief.

  7. I discovered the 4th spatial dimension and founding spatial property. It was inspired by an interesting JRE clip and quantum theory experiments in Objective Reality at a sub atomic level. Emailed you Dr. Sean Carroll, my corroborator and i would love to talk with you about it! This is not a drill, welcome to the 4th dimension everyone! #4Dreality

  8. I think it's arrogant of modern physicists to take credit for being the first to think of the universe as Fluidic fields or space-time.
    Waters above waters below has been a known way of thinking of space for a long long time now.
    Yes we've learned a language to better communicate it and details understanding but in many ways it's not as radical as its credited.

  9. Space is only curved in areas where mass is present. The more mass, the more curved. Though the particles that make up mass are each quantized, as a whole they are more a classical system in the way they act, so gravity in the presence of any object massive enough to bother with is not subject to quantum mechanics:/ So, general relativity is more accurate a way to describe the effect of gravity:/

  10. Trying to Quantize Gravity will not work. Gravity is not a quantum[microscopic system as it works]system. Its macroscopic, and does not apply to quantum systems:/

  11. Its the fact that the act of observation by an intelligence changes the result thats somewhat creepy. Or more accurately it seems that reality can be influenced by observation, on the quantum level at least! Thinking about the ramifications of this is a bit unsettling,lol

  12. I think this is the first time I ever heard someone physics say Einstein had a point. ( luckily it』s quite easy to find, I said it several time! ) Einstein said there most be something more to it. But he couldn』t get it down to a simple way to show what was missing, but he knew there most be something else to Niels Bohr way of defining quantum mechanics. Please remember Einstein was one of the founders of quantum mechanics. So I』m happy Einstein once again had a point as Sam now is explaining. The greatest physics is and will always be Einstein ! And so extremely intelligent,interesting and intuitive man. I think Einstein is back as the giant he certainly were and will ever be. And I think Sam is one the right path. Which will be a question of how to measure and test it. But as he going on, it explain spooky at a distance. If this could count as a test , ( which I don』t think) it could still be a so overwhelming circumstantial evidence that at least the mathematical evidence could be a part of a hypothesis close to be a good theory.

  13. One thing that always bugged me about the shröedingers cat thing is….
    Isnt the CAT itself an observer? Isnt the microscopic bacteria on the glass vial, observers?
    Isnt the quantum fluxing virtual particles popping in and out of existance, occasionally colliding with the transistors in the sensor that triggers the hammer, also collapsing the wave function as they interact, however minutely, with the system?

    The universe itself doesnt require a human or robot to observe a state, the universe observes itself, continually, constantly. You already touch on the fact that its not wishy-woshy conciousness that collapses the wave function. So then, why dont we consider the CAT in the equation? It itself surely knows what "state" it is in, if its dead or not. Thus, the outside measurement is irrelevant, because the wave function collapses as soon as ANY "event" takes place, as soon as the cat dies, or doesnt die, the wave function collapses. It cannot exist in two states, beacuse the cat itself is observing which of the two events occur.
    (As a more simple example, you'll stop hearing it meow, or you'll start smelling its rotting flesh)

    Also the box isnt an isolated universe, it's connected with everything outside no matter what you do, but thats the same mistake of theoretical fallacy that the thermodynamics conservation of energy makes, imagining that the universe is an isolated CLOSED system, when all observations point to the contrary (is there ANYTHING more OPEN than the universe? lol).

    I'm not saying equal and opposite reactions isnt true, im just saying we cannot say for certain that mass / energy cant be created nor destroyed in the universe, before we know if the universe IS a closed or open system. Especially when everything points to it being OPEN (even if you take the big bang theory as the universe as a "bubble" of spacetime, you still have theories of membranes interacting or wormholes forming between universes, ANY of those are breaking the "closed system" that thermodynamics assumes as fact).
    Sorry lol i went on a tangent there..

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