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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗殺流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. Ppl equalize a spec is not played that often to a spec that not being good.

    My main is a Arcane mage and I don』t have any issues being #1 on the damage meters in almost any scenario. ??‍♂️

  2. I have and always been in love with the playstylr of Affliction Warlock. No matter how shit she is in pve or pvp, I still play her all the time.

  3. i am MM hunter main and it makes me sad… its not that marksman deal low dmg… his dmg is ok but that literally standing still playstyle and no cc and 1 heal …. its pathetic for this meta….

  4. I love my Outlaw rogue but some reasson im the last in dmg of almost all bg"s..with my 448itm,but ofc i cannot run in the middle and kill without healee..Cause alli never have a healer..

  5. Also Arcane Mages can totally get BIG BURST straight off the bat, probably quicker than any other mage spec to be honest!

    As long as you use "Charge Up", in Arena I can use that just before I mount after I start. Then when you're ready open, start with my reaping flames above 80%, then blink into melee range, pop my blood of the enemy, arcane power, trinket etc, and dipslacement-cast an AB at them followed by POM 2x insta AB and a Barrage to follow, finishing them off with the Reaping Flames below 20%.

    You can do this by taking advantage of that azerite trait (Arcane Pressure) that takes advantage of that 35% Threshold which you can fairly consitently get to with this combo when used at the right moment in the fight. I've had it hit within my Blood of the Enemy window for 170k on a Warrior in arena and I only had two of the traits stacked..

    Only one cast to make sure you don't get interrupted on and the damage is just ridiculous. Stack haste and you can get this out so fast your AB and Reaping Flames might even hit within ur 5s Blood of the Enemy window

  6. What if for affliction they scaled the damage their dots did based on the number of targets that have the debuff? Making their single target strong, and their mass dotting not so OP that they feel they need to nerf them and force filler moves that just feel underwhelming?

  7. I play outlaw in pvp all the time. I even did it in arena for a bit(it sucked and I sucked) it's fun imo. That said I did jump ~300 rating swapping to sin for a bit.

  8. Enhancement isn't a glass cannon. It was in Legion when it was one of the classes that could actually kill Discipline Priest. Now it's not even a glass cannon. Now it's just glass taking up a spot in battleground. Can't kill shit but everything can kill him.

  9. Imagine having to rely on good corruptions in order to make the class 「playable」 what a joke man seriously ridiculous that some of these classes are down right hopeless and need a certain proc from a certain piece of gear 「corruption」 to even be RELEVANT

  10. How can be rogue in that list. Rogue is almost EVERYWHERE . And If is outlaw bad for pvp just swap spec. Lol. It is that simple.

  11. I miss playing Enhancement Shaman in Legion, at least there was fun. They destroyed with him in BFA, removed/nerfed all the best talents (PvP and not PvP).

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