iPhone 11 Pro Max很棒

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  1. Love how you specifically destroy in granular detail and savagely eviscerate all the iPhone shortcomings while at the same time calling Apple's bullshit for lack of effort to fix outstanding issues with their products…. BRAVO!!!!

  2. The iPhone 11 pro max is extremely underwhelming though. Also iPhones suck donkey ass when it comes to App multitasking. A cheap ass Android budget phone smokes iPhones when it comes to app multitasking.

  3. Yeah it's great but not the best iPhones to me are boring with the same old apps and screen setup nothing new. You can do more and I mean more for free on a Samsung Galaxy phone?????

  4. I mean you are complaining about not being able to reply to an email on your watch. Seriously? You want to type an entire email on your watch? on that small screen? Its a watch, not a smartphone. The watch is there so that you can see notifications, and if its important enough, you should take your phone out to reply. Again, this is a smartwatch, not a small smartphone.

  5. I』ve never haven』t gotten a reminder from my google pixel it』s only on Samsung phones. I personally think a smart watch is over priced and not worth it. We spend so much on phones and phone plans and then spend hundreds more on a watch, no thank you.

  6. siri can enable do not disturb. I swear i posted this in October but no one gave me all their money for solving the biggest problem with the fruitwatch, so i guess i didn't.

  7. "The screen is really sharp and clear"
    Yes, but, iPhone 11pro max is $1100 and 1250p resolution. LG g3 is $80 and 1440p resolution. Also, the g3 was released in 2014, meaning apple is literally 6 years behind on screen resolution.

  8. I am still sad about them dropping 3d touch. It was one of the truly unique features that kept me buying the iPhone. It's the reason I didn't get the iPhone 11…

  9. he keeps saying 「 i love dark mode, i』ve had it on since setup

    but the background is light mode and it』s really triggering me ?

  10. Just dont use anything Apple, they treat us like sheep and any company that does that doesnt deserve your support, also they are greedy buggers, they make great things but they suck as a company

  11. from what your saying, you want iPhones to be more similar to Android phones. I agree about some of the changes you mentioned but overall it's good that there's something way different on the market

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