NestJS WebSockets-1-伺服器設置

在本視頻中,我們將使用NestJS從頭開始創建一個Websockets伺服器。 。

  1. Just came across this video at the right time. I'm loving your terminal set up. Some of them feature I would love to add to mine. Also what extensions have you got on VSC. I user the insider's edition

  2. Hi, thanks for this tutorial.
    have you ever build a NestJS application with GraphQL?
    I want to use subscriptions in graphql to update a list of items when someone adds one new item to the database…
    Do you have any idea how could I configure the nestjs with graphql subscriptions?
    Thanks! ?

  3. Hello my name is Mauricio, I loved your video, although I had to put subtitles in Spanish since it is my language. Excellent work, congratulations, I subscribe and I will be attentive to more content of yours. regards

  4. Great work man! Keep it up! It seems like you're pretty new as youtuber, maybe you have any content in other platforms like Medium or Udemy or Patreon? I would love to follow! Cheers 😉

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