風箏神-野獸精通獵人2v2競技場-魔獸世界BFA 8.3


企業諮詢:[email protected]

#WoW #BFA#8.3。

  1. so clearly im not a BM hunter with this stupid question… but how is your pet in passive and still attacking / following the enemy 90% of this video

  2. Ive been trying this build with Survival and its actually fairly decent without using mongoose bite cause it makes you ranged af until you go in for a huge raptor strike. You run latent poison build with alpha pred, either hydra bite for multi dot bgs or guerilla single target, Crows, Tip of the spear, and chakrams. Yea chakrams. You could run infusion for refreshing sting and pheromone for tip of the spear, but you can get capped out on focus so easily with this build it actually plays smooth with having chakrams weaving in kill command, chakrams, sting, bombs, crucible of flame before you raptor strike spam to 0 focus and kite again.

    Or in bgs just run around and pop those 9-10 latent poisons on people trying to get at least 1-2 stacks of tip of the spear prior. You can chunk people pretty good, and after just melt them with dot damage
    IF you run chakrams make sure to hit the guy in the back to get the most out of it, they need to lower the cd on it but the damage is alright imo specially against melee since survival is so squishy. And clothies aswell, since its physical ive seen it crit for around 27kish if not 30 which isnt terrible

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