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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗殺流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. i have a feeling that blizz put this corruption system in to anoy players even more, so you get in the mind state i am in. i honestly think titanforging is less RNG then this corruption system. and if any of that is going into shadowlands i want titanforging back.

  2. Why do people complain when it helps us kill shit quicker unless their salty af for not topping the dps charts? I hate these type of people who cry about this shit we are all on the same team with the same goal now every thing is balanced

  3. I completely disagree with your statement. That you should be able to finish the raid without any corrupted gear on Mythic. Every week we're busting our ass to upgrade our cloak. One the mechanics during the boss fight but also to wear strong corrupted gear, which if you're doing Mythic dungeons, you'll get pieces every week. . If they Nerf corrupted gear where it's not that strong there will be many more people who will never kill those bosses on the high-end. That's just my personal opinion.

  4. Reading the comment I assume you guys want them to nerf IS in PvP content, but IS is actually not that overpowered in a lot of the PvE content, it is in a more balanced place rn.

  5. Can't believe they didn't nerf infinite stars. Just saw a balance druid who's top dps ability was infinite stars with 25% of his total dps, with a 400k!!!!! Crit. Unbelievable

  6. These corruptions are a bit silly. As a 445 ret paladin I do about 55k single target during wings. (Dont care if that's decent or trash, its for comparison.) I swapped 445 legs with the same ilevel legs but with the 935 mastery proc and if I get that proc in my wings window I do like 70k avg ST. Thats a 15k dps increase for just corrupted effect since ilevel was not not a factor. Granted it doesn't line up with the wings window everytime but still.

    And that corruption effect isn't even top tier? Hot damn!

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