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由Hal Rudnick(@halrudnick)託管
由Ryan O’Toole(@ryanohtrue)製作

#MovieFightsLive #HootHoot

1. 00:01-23:00-誰應該贏得最佳影片? (存在一些技術難題)
2. 32:15-晚上最奇怪的時刻? —
3. 51:33-夜晚最有趣的時刻?
4. 01:06:15-您將更改哪個類別的結果?
5. 01:25:17-哪一位非獲勝者將是下一屆奧斯卡最佳女主角?


  1. Rudolph and Wiig』s bit was the WORST part of the night. They were not funny AT ALL. Everything they said was a lame attempt at an unfunny joke and their singing was HORRENDOUS. Even Billie didn』t like it?

  2. Dan picked the right category in special effects for the fourth round, but the wrong film. Best Visual Effects should have gone to The Lion King. Avengers Endgame's CGI was great, but it didn't create photorealistic lions.

  3. Poll results for question 2 changed drastically between Sunday night and Friday afternoon. I wonder what percentage of people might have only voted after hearing the judges' decision.

    Sunday: 56% Janelle Monae / 31% Eminiem / 11% Acting speeches
    Friday: 39% Janelle Monae / 44% Eminem / 15% Acting speeches

  4. I'm with Spencer on Leonardo DiCaprio's best performance. Unlike most times, I agree with him on everything he said related to this matter. Joaquin is a lot better in "The Master" and Leo has not been this great since "What's eating Gilbert Grape". He got to stretch himself more than ever. His character has embarrassing moments someone like Leo had never dared to play before.

  5. Who is this Billy guy and why do they care what he thinks so much?

    But seriously. She is a nobody with a great music producer, yet for some reason she thinks she's king shit. Reminds me of when Oasis used to carry on like they were the Beatles, when they aren't even a pimple on their ass. That's how we'll look back on Billie vs Eminem.

  6. Also, the weirdest thing about the evening was Kristen Wigg』s dress. I feel bad cuz I』m a big fan, but it looked like a lobster tail without legs… but a lot weirder still. Don』t tell me you didn』t notice!

  7. Sorry I had to say this about Spencer』s argument against Eminem performing 「Lose Yourself」: The montage was about songs and movies that are inextricably linked, like 「Don』t Forget About Me」 & The Breakfast Club. Therefore his complaint was baseless and Dan should have won the point. I guess no one was really paying attention to the ceremonies by that point… also, Eilish made a face at the Wigg and Rudolph a capella, not his performance. Gal Gadot was rapping to it! A lot of the audience was jamming or singing along. Don』t rewrite the whole night cuz the song is old. Sorry if I sound bitchy but I have been holding that in. I love you guys but the chat was zooming by so I couldn』t get a word in.

  8. Something about Spencer always seem off. He feels like he is constantly trolling and doesn't have the ability to be serious. Now I realise he just isn't that bright.
    If I wanna watch people sit around talking about movies I'd watch RLM, but here I am.

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