新的Rom Hack加上Switch贈品! Ultra Kaizo World 2第1部分



經過漫長的旅程並投入了許多時間進行破解,Ultra Kaizo World的續集終於完成了。該遊戲具有自定義音樂,ASM,boss格鬥和自定義調色板。




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在官方的POO Discord中聊天
Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/grandpoobear/?hl = zh-CN
我使用Swiftpoint Z滑鼠。這是一款高性能滑鼠,可以根據您的遊戲風格進行定製。它具有樞軸,傾斜和滾動等獨特功能,並且可以在墊子上滑動得很漂亮。您可以在這裡獲得一個,並幫助支持我:https://swiftpoint.com/z/GrandPooBear

鋼琴音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 1QHmR6K8tY4

  1. You are insane super bro. Just wanted to know, do you call your other streamers your super bros and sis's?? Maybe catchy as you and Carl are my super bros.

  2. On a note about the "blind deaths" comment he made, where there is no rain, there are blocks that are stopping it from above, so the first "blind death" is indicated by that.

  3. Decided to comment because of the awesome givaway (I'll try to make it a habit).
    If I ever get a Switch, It's gotta be an Animal Crossing one. Got my 3DS XL with a AC:NL Theme as well, and despite being a huge Monster Hunter Fan, Animal Crossing was my number one game! In my opinion it is by far Nintendo's best online game in terms of social interaction and it is the game that I can basically recommend to anyone.
    Love your content and your positivity, Poo. So keep up the good work and stay You. 😀

  4. Finally entered a giveaway, entered 9 times! Go me! If I win do you sign the switch? I'd love to have that in my life.
    Also if I win this switch goes to my wife coz 100% of couples who watch GPB together stay together! And this would be a bitchin trophy of that

  5. I don't know if anyone said it already, but you gave a solution and then noticed the problem you already had a solution for and didn't put them together.
    In that 3rd level, the rainy one, you noticed there is no rain where there's death above and then you noticed there's death above that is off screen.

    Where it doesn't rain, you don't wanna jump off screen 😉
    I saw this level done by Ryu and he called it off screen shananigans and it didn't occur to him, which I understand because you have better things to do in a Kaizo level than to admire the scenery, but it didn't occur to me either until you said it doesn't rain "in here, but it does out there".

    That said, I have nothing but admiration that people like you even enjoy this, let alone finish not one level but don't stop until you finish them all. And that said, when I first saw you on GDQ years ago, I wondered why people were raving about such a childish guy who just seemed to find everything funny. Then I saw some videos on youtube of yours and I started to understand what a great guy you are and what they're all raving about and you could just be sitting in a chair talking and people would still rave about you. Your skills are just a really fun bonus.
    And with that said, Poo! That's disgusting! You're married and you have successfully produced a child with her, so I can forgive you for saying that you can call a shot, but that came out of nowhere and… It's still disgusting XD You're a horrible person XD I love you! 😀

  6. tbh it is kinda sad that most of us here will have no impact on the world, not trying to be depressing but every now and then that comes to mind. trying to think of something motivational to put here so uh [insert motivational text]

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