

Twitter:克里斯·基(Chris Gee)反應
臉譜網:克里斯·基斯(Chris Gee Reacts)。

  1. I just want to clarify…. I knew it was from South Korea, all of my other friends didn』t know that, and I probably didn』t expect them too. I made sure to told them that it was from Korea

  2. Hello Chris,

    Your reaction was amazing 🙂

    I am Korean YouTuber who makes video about Korean culture and mashup video.

    Could you allow me to use a part of your video for the mashup? (only 1~2 minutes)

    I will credit your channel name and URL properly, so it can also help your channel since traffic can go into your channel.

    Let me know 🙂

  3. I hope u guys know that this clip means a lot to me as south korean and also huge movie fan cuz this oscar means a lot to south korea
    There are so many cool movies and great film makers in south korea and i think it wont be just one time thing for south korean movie nominated for oscar so ur friends wont get confused in next year's oscar maybe haha!??( no sarcasm:-) )
    Hope u guys enjoy cool movies from south korea in future and thank u for celebrating parasite winng oscar!

    (Sorry for my poor english?)

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