如何在Nintendo Switch,iPhone和Android上獲取和使用Pokemon Home



App Store連結
►https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id = jp.pokemon.pokemonhome&hl = zh_CN



►歡迎使用PokeTips!我是《口袋妖怪》中所有物品的第一來源。我將為您提供有關Pokemon Nintendo Switch遊戲的所有最新和最出色的Pokemon信息,謠言,泄漏指南和教程! 。

  1. Which starter are you going to take from Prof. Not Oak?
    Update – You can transfer Pokemon from bank with the mobile version of Pokemon Home as well, its slightly hidden in the options menu. Options -> Account -> Move.

  2. what about the 35 unreleased pokemon at the end of the video i saw a Lunala in the pokemon camp thats not of the galar dex is it but it is one of the 35 unreleased pokemon u said that only galar dex pokemon can be traded into sword and shield but then u told us about the national dex and all the 890 pokemon , is that in the future will the national dex be available in the remakes of diamond and pearl, i heard there gonna remake those for the switch i heard many times that the national dex wasnt available with sword and shield and thats dissapointing but, whenever they remake diamond and pearl willl pokemon home still be around to use is that when i can get all the pokemon ever in my pokemon home and on my future pokemon games

  3. Don't forget about the free pokemon you get gifted just by using features in the phone app. Put stickers on your home page and you get a Pichu. Use GTS and get a Rotom!

  4. oh cool so i can download pokemon home on my switch for free then later pay for the premium plan whenever im ready and i have enough money is that true???

  5. I have a question:

    So like uh there is GBA simulators for Pokemon, I have one called GBA Lite, i have 5 Pokemon games: Pokemon Red and Blue and all of the gen 3 games expect Omega and Alpha, will it work and will the Pokemon that are in the boxes show up on my phone from Pokemon Master? Sorry if it's stupid

  6. Hi poketips my name is Olivia and I've been watching your videos of your extreme randomizer nuzlocke for as long as I can remember. Also I got both pokemon sword and shield and I have pokemon lets go pikachu . I love your videos .

  7. I have a question I bought the Pokémon home premium on iPad and transferred my Pokémon from Pokémon bank to Pokémon home can I transfer Pokémon from Pokémon home on iPad to Pokémon shield I need and answer ASAP cuz I think I made a TERRIBLE MISTAKE

  8. Well, I transferred my old gen 5 Pokemon from bank into home, but about 3/4 of them weren』t in SWSH. So basically now all my good Pokemon are stuck in home. Thanks again game freak, for proving how downhill your company is going.

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