
奉俊鎬的絕妙諷刺類諷刺劇在星期日奧斯卡頒獎典禮上獲得了好萊塢的頭等獎,以及最佳導演,最佳國際電影和最佳劇本獎。 。

  1. Women always like to make it about them dont they, seriously there wasnt 1 female.director that did a better job than those nominees. Want to be nominated work fucken hard lazy bitches wanting to use their sexism card for everything these days

  2. Yaaay! Bong Joon-Ho was my absolute favorite director for like 10 years and I was waiting and waiting for him to be recognized as the best director in the world!

    Freaking great year for cinema!!

  3. I can't wait to see what the next 5-10 years in cinema will be like thanks to this glorious win!

    I'm sure the cinema will become much more diverse and we'll see many different tastes rather than just one predominately american one.

    It will be a great decade in cinema!

  4. Having seen the previews for Parasite, it looks boring and also looks like it was made by film students in college, nowhere near the quality of a movie like 1917. Nobody's going to watch this movie with subtitles and last year Parasite would not even qualify for best picture because it's a foreign language movie. Haven't you all notice that liberal Hollywood got rid of Best Foreign Language Movie category so this movie can win this year so that Spike Lee can jump for joy that white men did not win best picture. The Oscars is no longer an American event They can now broadcast the Oscar event next year from South Korea and Spike Lee would love that because he doesn't want white men to win best picture, because he is a racist against white men.

  5. we korean belongs to the different human being, of having white skin and not having the flat Face contrary to other Asian. We  have the like snow white skin, which is dfferent from the westen skin, which is just light not white..we are really white.

  6. I bet Martin Scorsese would have liked the win but I feel like Boon Joon Ho』s win and mention of him in his speech means more.

    This is concrete, history making proof that he is leaving a legendary legacy behind with his work.

    And I think you can tell that he realizes that by the look on his face.

  7. Mr. Bong made his rival congratulate with a real happy face after his speech. I Think the award speech was perfect. humble, confident, humorous, creative, deserving the true congratulations of his competitors.

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