
2020年奧斯卡金像獎最佳國際故事片提名人!新來的巴托斯·比萊尼亞(Bartosz Bielenia)的「動感的,野蠻的表演」(好萊塢記者)將其定為科珀斯·克里斯蒂(Corpus CHRISTI),是一次敏銳,陰暗的幽默,並且「極大地激發了人們對信仰,第二次機會和贖罪的可能性的探索」(屏幕)。

因暴力犯罪在華沙監獄度過了數年之後,現年20歲的丹尼爾被釋放,並被送往一個偏遠的村莊作為體力勞動者。這項工作的目的是使前騙​​局保持忙碌,但Daniel的要求更高。在他被監禁期間,他找到了基督,並渴望加入神職人員-但是他的犯罪記錄意味著沒有神學院會接受他。丹尼爾(Daniel)到達城鎮時,一口便撒謊讓他被誤認為是該鎮的新牧師,他著手帶領他的新發現的羊群。儘管他沒有經過培訓,但他的熱情和魅力激發了社區的熱情。同時,他的非常規佈道和不道德的舉動引起了一些城鎮居民的懷疑-甚至在他走向一個社區尚未在ess悔室中透露的秘密時,他的猜疑也更多了。 。

  1. This is a profound movie, makes you think about sin, redeption, forgiveness, one of the best films that express the message of Jesus Christ. But this is not a movie for puritans, they will be
    shocked by this, they are already far from Christ and God, Jesus did not came for them, Jesus come to sinners like us, people that what to find a deep relation with our errors and mistakes, that want to find redeption and understand human nature. The only way like Jesus told us is forgivess, its not to forget, but to love those who hurt us, thats why is so hard, but if you dont forget, then the weight of your heart, will crush you. Simply amazing and profoundly touching movie. This movie show us how easy is to be a person that have fails and love inside of himself.

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