PS5 vs Xbox Series X-戰鬥已經開始

隨著PS5和Xbox Series X的迅速普及,我們真正知道什麼? ?


  1. PCMR people still denying the fact that the average pc gamer doesn't even get stable 100 fps at 1080p for modern triple A games but the steam statistics dont lie, these next gen consoles are probably better than the average pc users gaming rig. I built a sapphire 5700 xt rig last year and looking at them specs the next consoles are going to be equal or better then my pc. Seeing how most people are still using stuff like 2060s and 1070s these next consoles are going to make salt rain

  2. Your video was great up until u got up to the price part lol. A console will not go above 500 usd for probably at least the next 3 gens of consoles if they're sti around by that time. Sony learned their lesson, and Microsoft will not follow suit. I'm even hearing rumors that there's a high chance that both the series x and ps5 will be around 500 USD even with the power difference. The price of flash storage along with dram apparently I'd making it difficult for Sony. Microsoft can afford to take a hit. It's Microsoft. Sony can't as much.

  3. Thinking about switching to pc. Is it still worth it or will the new Xbox be slightly less powerful than pc? I』m a noob when it comes to pc btw

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