謠言:PS5 SSD將提供「不可阻擋的速度」 6GB /秒,載入時間降至1秒

關於PS5的新謠言不斷湧現。根據最新的謠言,索尼將與三星一起成為SSD的供應商,它將在PlayStation 5內使用,這將是他們最新的SSD技術產品線。謠言聲稱其「不可阻擋的速度」為6GB /秒,並將把載入時間減少到10秒,在某些情況下甚至是1秒。我們都在等待聽到PS5,gpu,cpu,RAM和SSD的最終規格,但現在我們必須解決這些漏洞和謠言。對於這種謠言,看來這確實是索尼計劃做的事情。



  1. Be sure to leave the video a like if you enjoyed it.

    If this rumor is true then the PS5 is going to be insanely fast and load times will basically be non-existent. There were already rumors going around that Sony had partnered with Samsung for the PlayStation 5's SSD so I do think this rumor could end up being true. It's going to be awesome to play next-gen games where load times don't get in the way or break immersion. Not just load times though since we know devs can do things with an SSD that go beyond just load times.

  2. Just make sure the running temp is adequate while keeping the noise pollution to a minimum (fan dcb & coil whine.) I didn't get to experience the 4th gen of ps but I read a lot of comments regarding the noise.

  3. I hope Xbox has a comparable SSD. A weaker baseline would hurt game development. I hope SSD becomes the standard going forward for all PCs except super budget.

  4. As psyched as I am for insanely fast loading times, I just can』t deny the fact that I』m going to miss the creative loading screen animations and workarounds that game devs have created over the course of time. Like, Insomniac Games』 subway train station cinematics in Marvel』s Spider-Man or Naughty Dog』s crawling through a wall into a new environmental area animation in Uncharted and TLOU.

  5. I haven't watched the video yet or read Let's Go Digital's article, but I had to comment that I call bullshit because Sony is using a custom SSD.

  6. I use a 970 Pro nvme m.2 drive in my pc. It lightningfast and if Im getting something similar in ps5, i'll be more than happy

  7. Most exciting is games actually optimized to use the increased speed. On pc i have very fast drives but games barely load faster in comparison.

  8. I am already tired of all the rumors. yes I am excited as hell, but right now, it would maybe be good to just wait until Sony does their big reveal event and then we will find out. I like your videos but to be honest, you are doing too many about all the rumors.

  9. Why has everyone been saying there will be no load times whatsoever until now? Last week the buzz was "Sony using SSD faster than anything else on the market". I honestly think nobody has a clue what's going on except Sony, all these "insiders" have just been spewing garbage.

  10. Hope so because gtav is a port of a ps3 game and driving fast makes the game chug badly on ps4. Assassin's creed odyssey, division 2…they badly need this upgrade.

  11. Your making videos based on every rumour going ?. Fact is both consoles going to be great, ps5 will be mid range console and the X high range. Xbox has gamespass which is a game changer and the new studios are very exciting. Sony gonna release fewer higher quality games but i reckon xbox is primed to compete, they have far too much money and a far better infrastructure this time round

  12. 6 gigabits a second is 750 megabytes a second. when you got 16-20 gigabytes of vram/os ram you are still looking at 20 -30 second load times for PS5 level games that fill most of the VRAM. once ingame though you could be updating the environment with textures at 750 mb per second tough if needed which will improve loading of environment quite a bit compared to previous gen systems. That will be quite handy when driving in GTA 6 at 100+ mph when running from the popo.

  13. I just hope Sony has some kinds upgrade options for users. I』m very excite for next gen consoles, along that it』s finally using a custom DESKTOP APU (CPU/GPU) And this should mean a lot better games and better optimizes for AMD hardware as devs will target AMD zen 2 as base hardware target. M.2 PCI express 4.0 is going be awesome. My only concerns is M.2 will be soldered onto the motherboard. Which means NO upgrading. Unless Sony has some kinda upgrade options. But prob not. 1 TB is/will be the standard while they be fast. Games are only getting BIGGER, RD2 is over 100 GB/Shadow of war is over 100 GB, ark survival with all its dlc. Lol. You get the point. Games are getting bigger. I hope Sony stay true and allows for upgrade M.2 or at least able use external SDD, even if using SATA iii port at back Ps5. It』s still huge improvement over current gen consoles.

    I am also wonder if next gen consoles are using custom x570 Amd chipset for pci express 4. If so it be very impressive.

    Let』s not forget the current gen console were using older SATA II and III on the pro and neither took advanced of SDD. While we did get slightly faster loading. Consoles didn』t take full advance of ssd.

  14. I mean didn』t we see their load example thing with Spider-Man running on a dev kit with an 8 second load time? Still fucking awesome of course, but sure ain』t 1 second lol

  15. This is all super exciting, but one thing I am curious about is multiplat games. If Sony has a faster Nvme than Microsoft, theoretically, won't Microsoft just hold Sony's investment back in Multiplat games.

    How will devs fully utilize the faster Nvme Sony impmements if the same game is meant to load assests at slower speeds for Microsofts Nvme? Will they develop differently, load open worlds, physics, more npcs?

    I own a playstation, but not a dev, and wondering how this is implemented beyond first party games.

  16. Why does all these videos mention retail prices that consumers pay. If you knew how the supply chain works then you'll know that a manufacturer (of any product) will make and sell them at a fraction of the price that a retailer will sell them for. A great example when I worked in company that bought products that were sold to retailers who then sold them to consumers was basically this: £90 suitcase at the shop. The company bought 12 of these suitcases (they came in that batch size) paid £1 per batch! They then sold each suitcase to the retailer for £25 per suitcase, not batch. Then the retailer sold them to the consumer for £90 a pop!

    Basically they can price any product for anything they want. and there are other factors that will decide prices, but in essence they mark up prices from manufacturing to retails but 1000's% that's how they all make huge profits….

  17. One of the thing that I would like to see with the PS5 is better Share Streaming technology with way more options. I like to stream PS4 with my capture card and OBS, but I rarely do it because it』s a real hassle to setup the whole thing for a 1 hr session. I rather use the PS4 Share function, but the quality is really poor and there is so little options. I would like to be able to replicate, to a certain extent, my OBS layouts directly into the PS5 Share system.

  18. They never put the best of the best in consoles, yet some gamers love these rumors every console launch. No freaking way that SSD will be in PS5.

  19. That super fast ssd will make loading tiles dissappear yes but devs know don't have to worry about making artifical walls to hold players back cuz of the weak hdd now world's will load seamlessly meaning camera and players will move A LOT FASTER so now games like an open world superman game will be possible those blocs of artifical data will be used to create more detailed and immersive worlds that are bigger on scale, saw what guerilla games did with horizon zero dawn on an old hdd? Now imagine how gigantic and immersive horizon zero dawn 2 sequel will be bigger caves for gamers to explore, more details, gigantic monsters in a vast open area with you riding huge thunderbird with speed that will load seamlessly, I do feel sorry for Xbox fan boys downplaying ultra fast ssd feature. They will witness how different ps5 games will be compared to Xbox games

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