iPhone 11評論:太簡單了!

iPhone 11是…大多數人應該購買的iPhone。明顯。

iPhone 11 Pro評測:https://youtu.be/DyX-QZZBgpw
iPhone 11外觀:https://dbrand.com/iphone-skins

iPhone 11:https://amzn.to/2nU4oX8

MKBHD Merch:http://shop.MKBHD.com

我使用的Video Gear:http://kit.com/MKBHD/video-gear#recom …



  1. Going from an iPhone SE to an 11. Time to trade in this calculator ?? way too small and battery doesn』t last, display is whack

  2. I』m getting the 11 for my birthday and switching from the 8 cause of battery issues and like to take a bunch of pictures. Can』t wait.

  3. Is that it's a phone or a camera I want to know is does it work good with phone calls I don't give a fuck about the camera I'll go buy a damn camera that's what I want review the phone not the camera shit when I'm not in the pictures why would I care I'm buying a phone to make phone calls not to take pictures you buy a camera to take pictures young people you need to get your heads out of your asses

  4. I went from an S20 Ultra to iPhone 11 and the difference is insane. Strong recommend.

    Send from my Nokia X6

  5. i dont see why anyone would want to pay an extra $300-400 to zoom. i bet if you asked anyone who bought the pro, did they use the zoom, theyd ask wtf youre talking about.

  6. It』s my birthday and I got an 11 surprisingly, my friend is over and he has a 6s we compared the battery life his phone loses 40% in 20 minutes
    The 11 stayed at full for 1 hour

  7. This phone is not for 700 its for 750$ bcz they known if anyone buy this phone he will definently buy their fast charger smart play by comany for fooling people apple is fooling the world

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