
在本周IGN每周一次的PlayStation節目《 Podcast Beyond!》中,主持人Jonathon Dornbush與Brian Brian,Max Scoville和Lucy O’Brien一起討論了PS5揭密事件的最新傳聞,以及何時我們可能聽到更多消息。有關PS5的價格,發布遊戲和發布日期的信息。

另外,我們還查看了有關Dan Houser離開的Rockstar Games新新聞,2月份的PlayStation Plus遊戲等等。而且,當然是血源。

有存儲卡,那個東西或其他提交物嗎?寫信到[email protected]! 。

  1. Hey everyone! We're going to be revisiting PS4 classics ahead of PS5's launch and are kicking things off with Horizon Zero Dawn! We'll be talking about it later in the month, but let us know what you loved from Horizon and want to see improved or added to the sequel!

  2. Still rolling with an iPhone 4S and the whole idea of turning Consoles into a Mobile Market is stupid, at that point People are just better off Gaming on PC.

  3. If your rockstar you cant rock gta 5 over 3 consoles…fuck that thats stealing for sure…gta 5 has run ita course. Please for gta 6 give us a new city….new york is played so is los angeles. Give me chicago or florida

  4. I』m 39 grew up with nes thru current gen wit that said PS4 is hands down my favorite console followed by Super Nintendo. PS4 is amazing cannot wait for 5 tho

  5. Dark souls 2 is my comfort food game . I know it』s not as well liked but it was my first from soft game and I could play through that or bloodborne 1000 times and love every second of it

  6. Hey Max, I feel your struggle with Bloodborne. I bought my PS4 for Bloodborne the day it came out and have yet to finish the game. Working on finally finishing that darn game!

  7. Take 2 has expressed a desire of shorter development cycles involving Rockstar, & with Online Multiplayer/monetization having been a greater priority than expanding Singleplayer experiences, do you think such a demand by Take 2 could lead to Rockstar eventually releasing a game that focuses on Multiplayer at launch?

    …Not simultaneously developing a Singleplayer & Multiplayer version of a game would decrease a development cycle's length.

  8. Am I the only one that growing tired of Sony's secretive bullshit. It just a fucking console bruh. Just do lil teaser and with the keynotes reveal date in the end of the clip and that it. This shit getting ridiculous now. They really out here acting like its gonna be the best thing since slice bread. Foh!

  9. I would devour every second of a Prepare to Try style playthrough of Bloodbourne! I have not played it myself but after everyone on this show championing it, I'm probably gonna give it a shot…

  10. I have the plat trophy for Bloodborne and still play through it twice a year on the same character. I am on new game plus 17. 😀

  11. I'm actually already playing Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm about 3/4 of the way through the story. Second play through but I think I like the game even more this time around. Its soooooo good! If u haven't played it yet please give it a try. The complete edition is regularly on sale for $12.

  12. When Sony talks about the price of marketing I don't think that has anything to do with them asking a higher price. I see that as an opposite actually. They already sold the most of all the platforms this generation and because most people have a PS4 and love it they may spend less on marketing this time around. Meaning the upfront cost of convincing consumers to but a PS5 could be lower than current gen was and they can have a lower price because they don't need to recoup that marketing money saved.

  13. I would absolutely shit my pants with glee if you guys did a Bloodborne playthrough! Bloodborne is one of my favorite games and I enjoy every time someone, usually Brian, brings it up. I watched the lads on Prepare to Try play through and enjoyed it, but would happily watch you all play it as well. Ideally it'd be a full playthrough, but I will take whatever I can get! A tips list from Brian, an edited down version, only one episode a month, whatever! I want Beyond! mixed in my Bloodborne. Please make this!

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