PS5發布獨家泄漏?新謠言稱PlayStation 5限量發行

有一些新的PS5漏洞和謠言需要討論。這些謠言之一與PlayStation 5的獨家發行有關,顯然,這個假期將有一款新的棘輪和Clank遊戲與PS5一起發布。這來自一個非常可靠的消息來源,而且似乎確實是Sony計劃要做的事情。最重要的是,有傳言說PS5在發布時非常有限,而且索尼將不會出售太多產品,我不認為這是真的傳言,但值得簡要討論。最後,白金級遊戲最近又談到取消的Xbox獨家Scalebound,再次表明他們願意完成遊戲,但由於微軟是IP所有者而不能完成。





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    What are your thoughts on a new ratchet and clank game as a launch title for the PS5 this holiday? Also let me know what you think about this PS5 scarcity rumor and what Platinum had to say about finishing Scalebound.

  2. Of vourse Sony is working on a new ratchet and clank. To make it a PS5 exclusive would be stupid as there is nothing about it that would require PS5 power and cut off 100 million PS4 owners.

  3. You know what? If videogames are delayed, that』s fine. I』d rather get a game that works a month late than a game that needs patching on time.

  4. Ratchet and Clank is not my thing, but the character could definitely be a great marketing character to go along with PS5. Yes, it is a good showing of diversity. Anyway, I』m trying to find out if I am getting a preorder notification. I keep asking Best Buy if they can say that I』m on the list of being notified as soon as preorders become available. I have not been able to get anything but a verbal confirmation. But I』m going to keep on asking. Scalebound looks badass and if Microsoft doesn』t want them to finish it. I』m pretty sure that Sony would welcome them with open arms. I don』t expect that to happen, but anything is possible in the gaming industry.

    Thanks for such great content and I always like your vids and subscribed months ago. I never know what you』re going to bring us, but I』m always always interested to find out as soon as that notification shows up on my screen. Thanks for the daily vids. They』re greatly appreciated.

  5. Yeeeeeah, the only conceivable way I could see the limited launch rumor being true is if Sony had to tweak the system so late in the game that they didn't have the time to make enough. I think that's very unlikely. The only other explanation would be TSMC not having the capacity for chip production, but that's nearly practically impossible at this point given how mature the node is. Well, that and the fact that a lot of TSMC's biggest customers will be moving from 7nm to 7nm-EUV this year. Production capacity shouldn't be nearly as constrained as it was in 2019.

    But yeah, long story short I don't see that happening. Usually, Sony starts mass production 4-5 months before the console launch. That's a pretty long time to build up an inventory. I'd expect a few million units from that and I can't see any reason why Sony would be throwing up their hands in defeat at this point.

  6. I highly doubt a new Ratchet and Clank game to become a system seller …. maybe for the die hard Ratchet and Clank fans like ScottishDuck17 …… yeah maybe ….

  7. I am a pretty hardcore gamer but I had gotten Ratchet ps4 for my son and I ended up playing all the way through it TWICE myself! It's fantastic and absolutely gorgeous

  8. Console shortages have always been an issue in certain regions of the world. So, as mentioned, pre-order is a necessity imho. Not waiting for Godfall, R&C or a remake to be honest. I want new IP's from AAA studios!

  9. When I got my PS4 in 2018 I finished Rachet and Clank reboot and I was amazed of how great it is but before Sony』s release a brand new game for the franchise release all the older rachet and clank games in a all in one pack and see who buys it and if you see that a lot of people are playing it then release the new one

  10. This is. Not a big deal that there won't be enough PS5 consoles. Not everyone who want a PS5 is planning to get it at launch. I never buy a console at launch bc I know there will be bugs and issues that need to be ironed out.

  11. MBG you going to cover the closure of the Manchester Studio? They were making PSVR games and Sony killed them before they even announced a game!

  12. I love Ratchet & Clank and can't wait to see what it looks like on PlayStation 5 but I would love to see a Jak & Daxter remake or new iteration as well

  13. Its pretty clear PS5s are now being made in factories all around the world, I'm sure there ready for the hype and amount of people wanting one

  14. MGB I agree you are ignorant, of coarse supply will be restricted. PS5 manufacturing probably won't start until sometime in September which is only a handful of months. If they output 500000 units a month that would only be 1.5 million units for launch. If Sony want more units they will need to start production a lot earlier to build up supply. I wouldn't believe a thing that comes out of Moriarty's mouth he is full of crap, just a stupid fanboy. Microsoft aren't buying Platinum games now that 10Cent have put money into them.

  15. I'm going to wait a year and for the first holiday sales before getting a ps5. That way they have a year to get some games out for it. My backlog of ps4 and pc games is huge so I have plenty to play in the meantime

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