關於T-Mobile 5G的真相

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高通連續第三年飛赴夏威夷,參加了一年一度的Snapdragon峰會,在該大會上連續第三年宣布了下一代智能手機和筆記本電腦晶元。還在現場:高管遊行(再次)宣布「 5G來了!」


12月6日,T-Mobile正式宣布正式啟動,將開關轉向在全國範圍內覆蓋2億人口的5G部署。但這真的意味著什麼,更重要的是,您應該關心嗎?我將OnePlus 7T Pro McLaren Edition用作T-Mobile 5G上的毛伊島試駕,以了解答案!


T-Mobile 5G夾心蛋糕 [tnkgrl]:

我使用了T-Mobile的5G網路,這很像它的4G網路 [Android Central]:


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSOp …


MrMobile的T-Mobile 5G / Sub-6 5G視頻是在2019年12月在毛伊島舉行的Qualcomm Snapdragon峰會上製作的。OnePlus7T Pro邁凱輪5G評測樣品由T-Mobile以短期貸款方式提供。







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#snapdragonsummit#5g#oneplus7tpro#oneplus7tpromclaren #oneplus #tmobile#tmobile5g #qualcomm。

  1. Not sure I'm sticking with the headline long-term, but since it's there now, some additional "truth" for you folks:
    – T-Mobile is also building out 5G in the high-band mmWave space (it already has the beginnings of such a network underway in Las Vegas and LA, among other places).
    – Its 600MHz deployment (which I test in this video) is built on spectrum it acquired in 2017. It's had LTE deployed there for a while, and has also had all that time to prepare for this 5G rollout, hence the "switch flip" moment.
    – Not all sites have been upgraded with the 5G equipment. When your phone connects to a specific T-Mo cell site using the 600MHz band, the site can indicate to the handset whether or not it's so equipped. If so, the phone switches the network indicator to "5G" to let you know that connection is available. If not, it stays put at 4GLTE.
    – The rollout, as with all carriers, is continuous. Expect coverage to increase, but expect speeds to remain about the same due to the limitations of low-band frequencies discussed in the video.

    More here: https://www.androidcentral.com/5g-t-mobile-everything-you-need-know

  2. I love this. A tech videos without gimmicks to grab your attention. No clickbait titles. Very informative on different types of 5G. I feel like the Tmobile lower band version is much h more practical than verizon.

  3. The merger has been approved. I'm betting the the new T-Mobile will NOT raise rates. They've been bucking trends for some time now, and it works for them. Only time will tell.

  4. 5G is way more than what I'll ever need so I'm more than happy with 2G, 3G or 4G. At least I'll save a ton of money by not buying a 5G phone!

  5. If Verizon wanted to fix its 5G to make it more competitive with T-Mobile, what would they have to do? Is there a way they can fix the mmw's inability to penetrate solid structures? Or, soi customers of Verizon have up get in the habit of going into the field across the street to use their phones in order to access the benefit of 5G?

  6. They need to make 4g as good as it can get and leave as is until true 5G like Verizon can be implemented so going indoors and being outdoors has no effect on the performance.

  7. 5G nodes use the same exact technology as the Military』s Active Denial System, 5G isn』t for faster phone service, it』s for mass government surveillance and Martial Law microwave weapons

  8. Why t f would I want to download an entire seasons of shows on my phone. Let alone on my laptop or PC. When i can just get everything on demand, Netflix etc….

  9. How are you only getting only around 50Mbps on 5g and I'm close to 100mbps on lte and my 5g phone is getting an average of 600mbps on T-Mobile?

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