(中文字幕 ) 不自量力談量子電腦 比現時電腦快15億倍〈蕭若元:書房閑話〉2019-09-25

Quantum Computing Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWJCfOvochA&t=705s .

  1. 其實我相信蕭生是有稿讀。我在七十年代見蕭生是TVB 新聞報尊員,我印象中先是李人維及朱維德,後來是李景基,跟住就是蕭生。想不到蕭生幾十年後仍功力深厚!可敬可賀!


    Genie Siu 勁!

  2. 仲有好多用法既:

  3. 量子電腦基本上是超導體硬體與超過十六位元的類比計算式,超導讓電子完成最快速度化,並且類比計算式豐富了位元數,變成高度運算的方式。但這電子類比就是電子游離靡遺空間,這也就是量子學量子計算,而台積電跨過三奈米後就是挑戰電子的量子力學空間,也就是進入小型化量子電腦。

  4. 我理解他所講係咁: 電腦靠既係南北極的磁石0/1, 能量轉換模式太簡單。 量子靠的,是 package of energy 既動量 (量子),模式無限大起碼有旋轉同抖動 (spinning 或者 oscillation)。就好似刻板的四步同華麗的拉丁舞。

  5. 唔介意聽普通話既話其實大陸有唔少科普youtube好有質素,layman d既有李永樂,理論多d既就有「媽咪說」。蕭生已經將好多野歸納埋一齊,其實好多野本身係好複雜既學術概念。

  6. 量子學是一門顛覆世界觀的東西,看得越多你越覺得不可思議。量子糾纏給人的感覺已經不是三維宇宙的東西了,更像是四維空間的東西,但是人類對四維空間基本是一無所知的。在三維宇宙任何東西都要受到時間空間約束,量子糾纏卻完全沒有受到時間空間約束。

  7. 現時已知只有三種問題 QC 會計快 d : Shor factorization, Grover search, HHL。其他問題傳統電腦計會仲好,所以對正常生活係無乜用

  8. 人渣簫就系人渣簫,美國谷歌講嘅嘢,呢條淋樣就先話自己不自量力講呢個話題,換咗呢件事系華為宣布嘅話呢,佢就高大上扮到仲犀利過華為本身嘅發明家。七十鳩幾歲,可鳩憐。

  9. 500 years from now, if all these things are sorted out, the world will be completely different:
    1) quantum computing (remote instant communication)
    2) string theory (which may lead to the unified field theory)
    3) modelling protein and protein synthesis (easy, speedy and cheap drugs development)
    4) DNA editing in human body at an economical scale (a new wave of evolution)
    5) accessing brain memory (imagine we don't need to go to school but know everything)
    6) Cut-and-paste memory and consciousness from one brain to another (the foundation of moving one from a body to another, instead of just cloning a body)
    7) AI (robots to work and human to enjoy life)
    8) VR and the related techs (imagine you can only afford renting a 100ft "apartment" but when you put on a pair of VR glasses, you live in a castle with top models around you)

    PS. 400 years of which are reserved for political, ethical and philosophical arguments and wars.

  10. More important is to understand the mechanism behind quantum entanglement because it would almost certainly reveal how Physics work "behind the scene".

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