TikTok明星Charli和Dixie D' Amelio在網上被欺負|聯合國兒童基金會

TikTok超級巨星Charli和Dixie D’Amelio在這次「安全的互聯網日」上公開了他們被欺負的經歷,並分享了如何使互聯網變得更好的秘訣。


導演兼製片人:Priyanka Pruthi
副總裁兼編輯:Mike Simo
攝影機:Sam Henriques
視音頻支持:Jane Whitehead





UNICEF Connect博客:http://blogs.unicef.org

  1. I』ve been there and I agree with Dixie when she said you can』t trust anyone because I』ve had multiple friends the I trusted with my life turn their backs on me

  2. Charli you dint listen those people they are jealous and you look beautiful no matter what anyone says always remember you are beautiful pretty and cute and also adorable just remember that

  3. Honestly I』ve always want to Charlie』s The shape like ever since I』ve seen her on TickTock ever since she got and things I』ve always wanted to be just like her so Charlie don』t don』t go after those he comments and Dixie don』t do either it』s really really rude I don』t know why people do it they』re just jealous trust me you』re just jealous and all of us that love you we love you we won』t but I hate telling you those people are jealous Valerie Kate you』re just jealous and sometimes some bad things happen to them at home and they wouldn』t take it out on other people

  4. I struggle to gain weight too ur not the only one sometimes I cry becuz it hurts my family tells me to eat more I tell them I am but they don't understand and the reason I can't gain weight is becuz I have this thing in my body that I can't get fat ? but ppl wanna be me I'm just like no just be ur self

  5. I understand you so much,I feel you.I know this feeling when you try to do something new in your life and people make fun of you,bylling,hate,to much more.I wanna say that Charli is very strong girl she never fall for this and now to much of people know her and love her. So just keep going because and I thought that I』m gonna be something more then I am but I can』t because of hate from people so I』m so proud of you☺️❤️

  6. Charlie such a beautiful and talented teenager and Dixie such a indescriptible person, good sister, beautiful, talented.

    Both them must been protect at all cost , they are Queen ????

  7. Yeah they said it, People are really hating on them, Just because she does dances doesn't mean she just cares about that, She worked hard to get to the place where she is right now, and to all the people who says mean comments just remember : THEY HAVE EMOTIONS SO STOP DOING THIS TO THEM.

  8. They just want to put her self-esteem down so she would be so sad they just don't like her she is really good try at 15 and being really popular btw she is not fat ( chali d'melio comment on this please

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