關於& Parasite'的了解提前2020年奧斯卡l GMA


在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,來自世界各地的Elsas將與Idina Menzel一同參加:https://gma.abc/2OzQe7K

#GMA#寄生蟲#奧斯卡#BongJoonho #BestPicture。

  1. the fact that an asian movie won the oscar is not as great a adchievement for humanity as would be TCM and or ayur veda used against the virus and or high dose intravenous vitamin c used against the virus that is the minority in the medical profession being accepted would be a greater adchievement

    the understanding that genius is not in the majority [ plurality of votes ] is cogent in a democracy the average has plurality of votes if we assume genius knows better what to do what s right then how can democracy succeed the stubbornness of the kaiser is still there in bundestag Maharishi Mahesh yogi [ consciousness ] is prevention of tragedy but stubborness hasnt accepted it a minority has accepted it the only minority that matters is genius

    party means part of reality

    who represents totality of reality

    democracy has this situation 50% of the population are under average I Q if we assume only above average I Q knows what to do and average intelligenc eis not enough to manage todays complex reality then less then 50% know what to do

    proviso : intelligence quotient is onemeasur eof intelligence also fluid intelligence and emotional intelligence and levels of ego development are important




  2. Hello Academy members (AMPAS), let's make new history !!
    Vote for better film, not just traditional one.
    This movie won almost 200 awards internationally !! Even more than 1917, Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, Jojo Rabbit, etc.
    Think about it, the great movie is coming from anywhere, not just Hollywood. ??

  3. This movie will probably win because there are no white people in it and the Oscars are about political correctness now rather than actual talent.

  4. Where is your coverage on Amber Heard. Why you are silent on that???? I know is not on the topic, but still feel it』s important. PLEASE cover the news about Amber Heard, and expose her. She is an abuser and it』s really important for everyone to see that and specially it』s important for real victims. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COVER IT!!!!! There is no news in the media and I am shocked to not see nobody covering it. Please be the one who is going to do the right thing. #justiceforjohnydepp

  5. Unfortunatelly i saw so many Americans & Europeans in social medias dislike subtitled foreign movies in cinemas sadly while Asian countries like Indonesia, China, South Korea, Malaysia prefer to watch subtitled foreign movies in cinemas

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