PS5何時發布? -PS我愛你XOXO Ep。 5



Bless和Greg爭論PS5何時顯示它漂亮的面孔,如果Switch上的Remote Play很重要,還有更多!

-達拉斯,沃思堡,阿靈頓…您準備好上鎖和裝載了嗎?安迪·尼特羅夫勒·科爾特斯(Andy Nitro Rifle Cortez)將於2月8日至9日在城鎮舉行,這是《守望先鋒聯賽》第3季的開幕日。屆時將有小組討論,活動,聚會和問候,等等。立即在DallasFuel.com購買門票
-我在Fox體育1進行促銷學校的WWE後台星期二2/4 @ 11e / 10c上!
我們將在周五與Media Molecule一起播送Dreams! @ 2PM。
00:08:20-Whatcha Playin? -祝福
00:14:35-Whatcha Playin? -格雷格
01:10:23-Nintendo Switch上的PS4遠程播放嗎? Wesley Yin-Poole @ Eurogamer
01:203:37-Astro Bot Creator現在是SIE日本的CD,Alex Gibson @ Twinfinite
01:23:30-2月的PS Plus陣容
01:38:41-2月到了,儘管有謠言,但我們沒有PS5宣布活動的日期。我們是否已經超過2月仍可能發生的事件了? -傑米S
01:43:48-ps5會擁有多少個啟動窗口或啟動窗口? -雷蘭德·普林斯
02:21:20-每周PSN簡介:Austin B.(abrack08)




Kinda Funny-

格雷格·米勒(Greg Miller)和蒂姆·蓋蒂(Tim Gettys)每天都在談論視頻遊戲中最重要的故事。


  1. Greg is acting like he knew who the Cleric Beast was in Bloodborne like he'd beaten him. Lol. We all know you didn't Greg.

  2. Blessing is the epitome of "fake it 'till you make it". His knowledge of PlayStation isn't anywhere near the level we have come to expect from this podcast.

  3. Blessing is not a good PlayStation host, he has not play a lots of exclusives, Bloodborn horrizon, he doesn't challenge Greg like Colin did.

  4. I』m not sure if Gregg knows more than he』s letting on.

    Because there is a new Spider-Man for PS5 launch window. Not a full sequel. New storylines, new areas and updated tech.

  5. Greg: If PlayStation leaves a crack open xbox will overtake them. AhhhhhahahahahahHahahHahahahAhhhhhhahahahahhaha. Phil spencer just said there not even trying to compete anymore. Xbox is a tech company. Sony makes GAMES. Greg sounds like a Xbox Fan boy these days. I think he』s just trying to keep his Microsoft contacts happy these days. He cannnot actually believe this shit. What fatal flaw did Xbox have with their Xbox one console. Try to make it an everything box and not focus on games. What are they doing this generation. Focusing on ecosystems and not on games. It』s the same damn thing. Their focus is not on there big titles. I don』t care about an 「ecosystem」 I care about games. It』s distressing to here about how much Tim cares about ecosystems though.

  6. Halo infinite has a 500 million dollar budget (most expensive game ever) and will be free to play day one on gamepass.

    Ratchet will be a launch title for PS5 and cost 60 bucks to play day one.

  7. Grand Theft Auto 5 single player was great. Grand Theft Auto Online is a blight on the gaming industry with it's scammy Shark Cards.

  8. Sony: We are not ready at this time. Microsoft please reveal your price,right now….Pretty Please?

    Phil Spencer: ………..?

    Gamertag: BloodOath77
    PSN: DeathDealer41

  9. I think we're forgetting that Halo Infinite is also on Xbox one… All their exclusives will be cross gen for the first year.

  10. I'm really glad Blessing is going out of his way to try new games to discuss each week (especially Bloodborne!) as it makes the segment much more interesting.

    It's also nice that someone in KF is giving Bloodborne an honest try. I STILL think Tim would like it too if he'd give it a real shot.

    Embrace the dread Blessing. There's nothing quite like it. Your eyes are yet to open.

  11. Hope you stick with Bloodborne, Blessing. I will say, though, you are still just in the beginning. You have a long way to go and a lot more to experience. If you have already put fifteen hours into it, I am not sure if you would have enough time to keep pursuing it until the end. I think my first playthrough took maybe 25-30 hours. I can already say you will be way more than that.

    This might be the one to hook you, though. The feelings you get conquering the later bosses, I really hope you can experience them. Plus, the way the game changes as you progress is also interesting. I love hearing new players come into the souls-genre and their journey through it. I forget what those feelings are like since I have been playing since Demons Souls.

    The DLC bosses are absolutely insane. You probably will never get to them, but they are, by far, the hardest things From has ever released if you leave Sekiro out of it. My first playthrough of the game with DLC took 45 hours. Yep, all that extra time was primarily fighting the bosses. They are nuts and demand so much out of you.

  12. KFG/CLS crossover incoming as soon as Colin&Chris game (Twin Breaker) is released and as long as Greg or Bless chose it to play and rank

  13. Blessing just wondering . if you dont like weapon degradation then do you enjoy it in breath of the wild when everything breaks within a few minutes

  14. So wait, a free to play game, A party Mode classic, and a chance to play with Greg and Blessing is turning it down? Does Blessing just not like DC then?

  15. The way Sony can win BIG this generation is to take the path of history & gameplay, not power. Microsoft will likely win the power battle, but lose the war for this console gen and subsequent ones … if PS5 has ~9-5/10Tflops, and full disc-based BC, with features/catalog like this:

    1. With 25years of gaming history, and around 15,000 PS1/2/3/4/PSP/VITA games, Sony』s back catalog will make the PS5』s catalog unrivaled from day 1.

    2. Backwards compatibility will be available for both physical & digital, thru the use of a patented remastering engine.

    3. 「Retro mode」, will simply scale the game to a selected HDMI output resolution, but apply no additional processing or enhancements.

    4. 「Remastering modes」 will offer various combinations of upscaling/smoothing/shading/anti-aliasing, in 1080p or 4K.

    5. Each title, studio, genre, artsyle & hours played thru either of these modes, will be saved by Sony, as well as which mode those hours utilized during play. A truly global crowdsourced study with 100million+ participants.

    6. This metadata will be utilized both in-house by Sony, and licensed for access by 3rd party studios, for the best information for which REMAKES (not remasters) to invest time&capital in.

    7. Previous remakes/remasters prior to PSP/PS3 hour logs, were based almost entirely on sales numbers during their own era. This new trove of actionable data, will grow in scope & value tremendously with PS LEGACY.

    8. Marketing information for these REMAKES will also be an obvious ancillary function of this new PS LEGACY database, which may feature in-console-ads, caterered to each individual gamer』s interests, with far greater specificity than any previous attempt at something similar, at any level.

  16. I remember when Colin argued that the PS4 launch was actually great just for the mere presence of big contemporary games like Black Flag, Madden, Fifa, and CoD Ghosts, certainly he made that argument to make the Switch launch look bad by comparison

  17. I would fucking love for Horizon』s sequel to be a launch title, BUT early 2021 makes more since to me. The first game came out at the end of February 2017, and it made a killing so.

  18. The cleric beast is a boss in Bloodborne. It's just an optional one. It's not just a random enemy with a large health bar. The game has required bosses and optional bosses.

  19. My dream PS5 launch game would be a new Ratchet & Clank. One of the best games on PS4 and no one talks about it!!! It would be the perfect family-friendly game. With that maybe have a couple of heavy hitters like Horizon Zero Dawn 2 and The Last of Us Online

  20. Once the Soulsborne games "click" you will want to play them all. My first time beating Dark Souls 1 was on remastered so I didn't experience the terribleness of the frames. But then I had to keep going and it's definitely one of my favorite series of games. I'm always itching to start one of them over from the beginning when I don't know what else to play. Sekiro however didn't give me the same feeling, but when it won GOTY it makes me want to give it another shot.

  21. I genuinely believe Bloodborne is one of this generation's best, and I think so many people get turned off by hearing that it's a "Souls" game – I know I did. However, I think it transcends it's own genre in ways that are difficult to describe. Almost everyone I've heard talk about it mentions not loving Souls games but not being able to put Bloodborne down.

    It's more forgiving than Sekiro, it has edgier style and faster pace than Dark Souls, and it has a really really wide breathe of content outside of the main "storyline" that is genuinely fun but can also be completely ignored.

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