我最後的2020 OSCAR預測!!!

我最後的2020 OSCAR預測!!!



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  1. Laura Dern plays an unlikeable character in Marriage Story that audiences aren't going to rally around.  But she has her Oscar moment where she talks about the inequalities society has between mothers and fathers.  She's won the most critics awards in her category – and critics don't care whether someone is overdue.

  2. Team jojo rabbit don't get me wrong I love little women I had it as my winner for a while but jojo was always my pick because of how clever and heart warming the script was and hilarious but when it won wga and bafta I had a feeling the academy loves jojo and the downside of litlle women was it has been adapted so many times before and its kinda jinx in greta armour in a way so yea jojo for the win

  3. Original Screenplay is the hardest prediction of the night. I think if Parasite wins, then we COULD get a Parasite picture win. I think if Once Upon a Time wins, then Parasite is out. Picture will probably go to 1917… but I have a sneaky feeling that Once Upon a Time could take picture if it takes Screenplay…

  4. I would not be surprised if out of nowhere if Joker won best picture and would be happy it's probably going to be 1917 and all the other acting races or easily predictable directors going to Sam Mendes I just would have liked to seen Adam Sandler it in there or at least some time in his lifetime. also bonus David Fincher for best director next year for Mank 2021

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