CST 3130 –第20周|講座20:AWS上的WebSocket-David Gamez

本講座解釋了如何創建在Amazon Web Services(AWS)上運行的WebSocket聊天應用程序。

該講座是英國倫敦米德爾塞克斯大學高年級大數據高級Web開發本科課程(CST 3130)的一部分。 。

  1. Is it true to say that this is not real webscoket but AWS version of long polling ? I'm asking because it seems like the Lambda functions have to work on every request. I think a repeating ajax request might be more efficient ??? Thoughts ?

  2. Hey David ,
    Thank you for sharing the video for the aws websockets.
    I still have an issue after connecting , an error happened.

    1- Deploy the API Gateway.
    2- Connects through wscat or frontend (I'm using Angular 7)
    3- It connects fine and a new connection random Id is stored on DynamoDB
    4- connection Id is deleted when disconnect which is great .

    BUT I have this issue after connecting and try to send messages:
    wscat -c wss://{App_ID}.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev
    > {"action":"sendMessage", "data","Say HIII"}
    < {"message": "Internal server error", "connectionId":"App_ID", "requestId":"request_ID"}

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