華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)贏得了奧斯卡最佳男主角獎,《演講走向成功》!

華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)在第92屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮上接受了奧斯卡最佳男主角獎,演講獲得了充分的肯定。你的反應?


華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)贏得了奧斯卡最佳女主角獎,他在接受感言中不禁醒來。華金·菲尼克斯在第92屆奧斯卡最佳男主角演說中談論什麼?華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上全神貫注,因為他贏得了百搭最佳男演員獎!如果您知道,請在下面的評論中讓一個孤獨的人知道您對華金·菲尼克斯接受感言的看法!奧斯卡這些天醒了。

觀看華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)在演員中扮演亞瑟·弗萊克(Arthur Fleck)扮演男主角的奧斯卡2020年獲獎感言:華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)接受奧斯卡最佳男主角| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87zXvSCmSYk

娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)奧斯卡2020連衣裙是好萊塢的偽善品! https://youtu.be/bqL6aX5kEfE
奧斯卡如此白人大戰!第92屆提名; 2020年婦女與黑人冷落https://youtu.be/0zDVL9fQUsg
日報| SO WOKE:Ben Shapiro回顧了2020年奧斯卡| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-0sPsY_ZJE

這位小丑演員贏得了奧斯卡提名的安東尼奧·班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)(「痛苦與榮耀」),萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)(「好萊塢曾經的時光」),亞當·Driver(「婚姻故事」)和喬納森·普賴斯(「兩個教皇」)的勝利。 )。

?訂閱YouTube上的Lonely Banter頻道,這樣您就不會錯過任何一個孤獨的人https://goo.gl/2QcQ95,然後按鈴!

猛禽票房:為什麼DC電影放映周末開放? https://youtu.be/aMaMRg6iR6o
小丑托德·菲利普斯(Joker Todd Phillips):喚醒文化殺死了喜劇電影https://youtu.be/7bwLE6oEAGc
女權作家的小丑電影反應;白人電影! https://youtu.be/t7_vqx10awQ

#joaquinphoenix#小丑#奧斯卡最佳女主角#oscars2020#2020oscars #jokermovie。

  1. Thanks for giving an honest unbiased opinion. I don't agree with Joaquin about some things, but he took a critical shot at his wealthy liberal peers at an awards show, and I think that deserves some credit.

  2. Your poppin at the lips but ain't really sayin nothin"
    if you stop consuming mainstream american media, start eating healthy so your brain might start functioning Bruh…
    start gathering information about the world we live in then just maybe in your lifetime you are able to aquire sufficient information, knowledge and insight to understand how his speeches adresses what at the Core of all the real issues we will soon as a species face which might likely lead to total extintion either by nuclear war or climate change thanks to nonvegans.

    Then there would also be a small chance you would understand that you are most likely to be among the next who will become jokers on a killing spree,… just a symptom from a global capitalist system that alienates it inhabitants from eachoter, doesnt foster our real human needs for connection by forcing and triggering competetive instincts instead of compassionate ones, in our race for the top in which we all want to become the winner equalling bullie.

    you should perhaps educate yourselve before wanting to have your own talkshow, unless your desired audience is the dumbest of the uninformed

  3. He looked and rambled as if he were on drugs IMHO. He's a very fortunate man to have a choice and so am I, re: to drink milk or not to. Cheers everyone!! (with a glass of milk).

  4. Listen if you're as famous as Joaquin and have the chance to go on live TV in front of millions to talk about whatever tf you want to talk about. You go and talk about anythinggggg. Joaquin talked about valid and important issues in the world today. And yes we may not all believe in those points he was making, but at least respect him for talking about what he supports. He's not doing ANY harm to anyone with that speech. He spoke from his heart and didn't bullshit. Plus, that tribute to River was beautiful. As for this bastard in the video, I hope you read this and just respect Joaquin for saying what he believes. He aint forcing you to do shit.

  5. I believe every word he said have you ever seen his activison about animal rights and for facts he has thing where he's nervous as hell in front of people

  6. You an ignorant Ass nigga. He was talking about how humans need to let go of their egos and how his dead brother that died from a speedball overdose outside of Johnny Depp』s bar inspired him. It』s called philosophy you ignorant ass nigga

  7. What vegans don't seem to understand is that the udder of a cow will grow massive if it's not milked, and the calf cannot finish the milk by itself. It's excess milk that'll irritate and even injure the cow if it's not emptied out.
    Why not use the excess milk once it's out of the udder? They're not stealing anything. I'm done with all of this misinformation and virtue-signalling. Go eat your kale and leave meat-eaters alone.

  8. Tf are you talking about, I guess people are not ready to see somebody being just real and nervous and not all all wrapped up in celebrity bullshit, his speech was moving and from the heart, the last part about his late brother River was so touching

  9. Glad Joker won but i don』t watch these lame award shows , i have 0 Fs to give what any celebrity has to say. Take your award , shut up and sit down …

  10. a major reason Joaquin won is cuz the academy still carries a dark stain for not voting for Heath Ledger's Joker to win when they had the chance
    hey LB, for some reason none of your videos have auto-generated CC – Closed Captioning which is odd, you should find out how to get them, I use them all the time

  11. I don't think Joaquin Phoenix's speech was trash. Humans can feel how they want, but I disagree completely. Everything he said, made sense to me and I was easily able to read between the lines. The man is deep, but very few will understand or appreciate his words.


  12. Love and compassion for all living beings human and non-human it's a good message I don't see what's wrong or cringe about that his voice was cracking from the emotion he was feeling

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