
寄生蟲獲得了第92屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片獎,成為歷史上第一部獲得此殊榮的外語片。 。

  1. I feel Joker should have been best movie picture that movie is the most talked about the people I know is they Joker they know that should is better movie that was most controversial movie and Parasite is a horror movie that is not best picture movie I am being honest we don』t understand Korean movie that is not English movie like Joker that is English movie

  2. Jojo rabbit is a stupid name for a movie that seems to be goofy.
    Parasite seems like a normal movie to me, nth special.
    Joker? I can understand, best acting but that wasn't the joker people hoped to see.
    I've only saw Ones upon a time in Hollywood and the acting was great but the subject wasn't for me and the movie itself was too long ;/

  3. No disrespect to the people behind parasite they clearly deserves this. But, ive been an Asian cinema watcher for decades, clearly some great gems have come from the east. I feel this was clearly given away as a D I V E R S I T Y gift to its WOKE audience. Never ever has any type of Asian movie that has not made money in the US been given awards like this.

  4. I'm glad Joker didn't win any more than acting and music. Those were the only award worthy parts of the movie.

    Parasite win is good because it is better than 1917 and Joker, but I still think The Irishman, Marriage Story, and OUATIH were better movies overall.

  5. 1917 got screwed. Parasite is goofy as hell, the dialogue is terrible and nobody talks the way they talk in this movie, and the story is underwhelming. It does have its entertaining moments but it's not a genuine best picture. It only won so Hollywood can show how progressive they are.

    On a better note, I genuinely thought Joaquin Phoenix wouldn't win for Best Actor because of the medias reaction to Joker, I thought the Academy would wimp out and give it to Adam Driver, but they made the right choice, thankfully. That's the award I cared most about.

  6. Parasite was a fantastic film so getting the Best Picture award is exciting news indeed!

    Toy Story 4 winning Best Animated Feature Film was insanely predictable though. Klaus or I Lost My Body should've won that category.

  7. The speech Bong Joon gave when he won best director was amazing. Pure class and humility in victory. Bong was great with Marty getting a standing ovation and crediting Quentin for putting his movies on his list.

  8. Joaquin he hit it on the head about no matter what cause they champion it's all about the fight against injustice. Only one thing he forgot when mentioning the various forms of injustice. It can also be the act of a single person. He mentioned how injustice is the action of various collectives. Examples he gave were one race, one gender, one people, one nation etc. But it can also be down to one person. One person who feels the right to assert dominance on others. But anyway he was spot on about their commonality. It's all fights against injustice.

  9. Well deserved by Parasite. I never thought a foreign film would be one of my favorite films of all time but wow. Joaquin Phoenix winning best actor (regardless of what you think of the movie) was WELL deserved.

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