如何修復iMessage通知Unc0ver iOS 13越獄

#LimSanity#unc0ver #iMessage

今天的視頻將向大家展示iOS 13 unc0ver越獄中iMessage /消息通知錯誤的修復程序。我向大家展示的這種方法修復了您沒有收到有關iMessage / Message應用程序的任何通知橫幅的錯誤。

1.輸入「 su」,然後按回車鍵
2.除非您更改密碼,然後按回車鍵,否則密碼將為「 alpine」
3.輸入「 Ldreturn」,然後再次返回


▶帶有16-55mm鏡頭的Sony A6000相機:https://amzn.to/2RJTmPt
▶Logitech G203遊戲滑鼠:https://amzn.to/36keVve
▶BenQ GL2480遊戲監視器:https://amzn.to/36oYJIS


[email protected]

  1. In your description you wrote 「Ldreturn」
    And you said 「ldrestart」 and 「ldrestart」 is what worked. Thank you for your video??

  2. Like a boss! ??? Just one thing… In step 3 in the description, you have 「Ldreturn」 but in the video you say and type 「ldrestart」. Don』t know if it matters but I went with what you said/did in the video and it worked for me. Thanks again! ??

  3. Will this work for WhtasApp, I'm unable to send media through, no pics,videos or stickers. Unc0ver iPHONE Xs max iOS 13.0 let me get some help please. Thanks.

  4. Don』t need a fix we would like a working windows jailbreak for iPhone 6 7 8 and plus models and the iPhone X !!! Anything you know of ???

  5. There was an error loading the preference bundle for tweak can anyone help me fixing it .
    i am on unc0ver 4.0.3 (using iPhone Xs Max 13.3)
    i installed preference loader , rocketbootstrap , cephei but still the problem is not fixed .

  6. Thanks, it worked! BTW a good alternative to NewTerm is Yobun. It adds a button to the top of your Settings app which you can tap and it gives you multiple options. One of those options is Fast LDrestart

  7. has a fix been found for sms picture messages not showin right? also anyone find a pip for youtube that works? i've tried youpip + force picture in picture while using youtube++ and it doesn't work. the little icon is at top left and didn't do anything

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