魔獸世界8.3邪惡DK終極指南! PVE || PVP ||人才AZ特質宏和…

在這周的視頻中,我將討論Unholy DK的針對單目標和Aoe DPS的最佳人才。
我討論了要針對的Macros Rotation Talents AZ Traits WHat,以及通常如何玩您的Unholy DK。

***邪惡的DK ***精華指南||此視頻的#2部分||鏈接發布如下:




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嘗試Twitch prime:


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Rog Strix 2080超級版:

  1. I'm a blood main, but looking to break into dps a bit to allow fellow guildies to get tanking experience. Was looking at frost, but this guide has sold me on unholy. Thanks for the awesome guide!!!

  2. In pvp you're never gonna replace raise abomination and leave transfusion. If you aren't running conflict major, necro strike and raise abomination will always be 2 of your talents

  3. Very well done, thank you

    I just wanted to say I think the mentality behind the dk was very important for me and not spoken of for most classes in most other guides. This guide really set me straight and Ive struggled with unholy since wotlk. It never jived with me until you spoke it how it is in this guide.

  4. Petattck to Outbreak isn』t that great of an idea. Sometime you have to multi-dot and you don』t want to command pet to start running towards a secondary target.

  5. @Lock Outz I think you misunderstand Necrotic Strike – it doesn't heal you, it prevents them from getting healed , doesn't it, since it is a debuff ,not a buff.

  6. Nice vid dude, but i Wonder why my pet Always Uses the leap when its off coolsten, could u help me with that ? Bis i just want it to use leap for the kick

  7. I totally learned something from you that I had completely missed, I never noticed that death and decay causes you to hit all enemies, thanks dude!

  8. Question. What're your thoughts on weak auras for Unholy DK? I tried using luxthos' setup and it was more distracting than anything. Your setup looks cleaner so I'm wondering if you have it there as a helpful tool to track stuff or is it just a reference? If you do think it's helpful for learning, what weak auras do you think are best or are you making them from scratch?

    Super helpful rundown, thanks!

  9. really good video man thanks… but could u do short video more on your macros and how you use em would be a great help ^^ and u got a yourself anohter Sub btw.. ^^

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