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  1. How in the hell does a foreign film compete with the U.S in regards to Best Picture category?? Why have a Best Foreign Film category if all films from around the world will be in the best picture category?

  2. Surprising that he hasn't even seen the movie yet he feels confident to comment on it. I haven't seen the movie yet either, but I did listen to interviews about it. Apparently, it is full of allegories, clever meaningful staircase ups and downs denoting the rise and fall of class separation etc. Just didn't appeal to me until I watched spoiler clips that told me it was a slow boiler with horror at the end. Might be a very clever movie for movie makers but for us plebs, we probably need to watch the "what does it all mean" youtube vids at the end. After I watch it I may change my mind. If I don't get it or don't like it I'm a little bit afraid that I'm either too stupid or too shallow. Oh well, give it a go…..

  3. I don't care what anyone says but Parasite is the only movie that gave me a roller coaster of emotions and then left me weeping at the end. The beautiful moments, funny moments, scary moments, bleak moments… I definitely went into this movie blind and wasn't ready for it but left wanting to know more behind the meaning of it. No other movie to date has done that to me. This movie is definitely for the more analytical and introspective sort of audience. Well deserved award.

  4. Joaquin Phoenix. Very well deserved to win and mad respect for him. Joker is one of the toughest role to play and he nailed it. Very outstanding performance.

  5. Given their ever dropping viewership (this year 20% lower than last), is there really a big moment in this ceremony at all? Who cares about rich people virtue signalling while doing nothing. I.e. Natalie Portman's production company only hires male directors but she HAS to make a statement about female directors not being nominated. If it was up to her, female directors would die from starvation! LoL

  6. The Oscars had no choice but to give awards to Bong and his work to refute Bong who said the Oscars is just local award. Simply, Bong earns the awards himself.

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