

#Oscarpredictions#Oscars2020 #ImpressionBlend






瑪麗安娜·尼爾(Marianna Neal)
郵局Box 7406
伊利諾伊州Prospect Heights 60070

該視頻未獲贊助。圖片和剪輯已得到合理使用,並且是其各自所有者的版權材料。 。

  1. I remember that you loved Cold War so much, then you obviously need to see Corpus Christi 🙂 it delivers a similar amount of emotion and space for interpretation.

  2. I always thought if there is any international film to make this happen (even with a little tiny chance), It would be one of South Korean movies. And it happened!!!

  3. I am very happy parasite won Best picture and Best internacional film. Although I would have liked joker to win, I have to recognise parasite is a more perfect film than joker. The plot is genuine and the director combines different genres in the same film, which makes it different and better directed than the others.

  4. I dismissed Parasite after seeing the trailer which didn't seem very appealing. Then it won the Cannes. Then all the hypes. I was completely glued to the screen from beginning to end. One of the most original works I've seen in a long time.

  5. Mmm. As far as animated features, I know they are pretty much off your bucket list, but please watch I Lost My Body. You won't regret it. It's on Netflix.
    Regardless, many kudos and serious congrats! You should next time take your hubby down to Vegas and make some bets!! You were dead on track with such an amazing roll with your astonishing picks. Sure you missed some, so what? You came out wayyyy ahead in the long run. And I'm glad you picked Parasite as numero uno. It was so nice to see a super standing ovation when the best picture was announced!!! This also hopefully means that people will be a lot more willing to accept subtitles while watching films.

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