
我們已經在8.3版中看到了所有內容-恐怖的願景,新的世界內容,新的mythic +詞綴和新的nyalotha raid層。但這真的好嗎?

  1. This patch is annoying! YOU can NOT solo with a balance druid Thrall period! It's boring and you can NOT progress at all. I'm sick of dying and trying

  2. I like how they announce 9.0 will be the most alt friendly game ever and then release 8.3, the least alt friendly pile of shit ever. This game is garbage…

  3. I do not enjoy wearing corrupted gear and avoiding it's extra damage taken mechanic. it is too grindy to cleanse. Thus, it gets vendored. The consistent raid group is a thing of the past so I don't raid. I enjoy the journey instead of the destination so mythic plus is no fun with it's race to the end genre.

  4. Horrific visions and even the lesser ones are kinda fun, but the horrific ones are a bit difficult after rank 5 or so. The dailies suck and make the whole patch almost feel like a mini expansion where we are starting all over, this time with a cloak and yet another new type of gear. I will soon be out of wow until 9.0

  5. People say you wont spent too much time on this new patch, but reality is you need to do more including all those things from 8.2

  6. the fact that we cant pratice visions to death, so we can do them in our sleep, does make them a lot more thrilling, its do or die.

  7. This patch sucks after a week or two of playing. Only good thing is if you didnt get pathfinder you can still fly because blizzard was too lazy to create new maps for this patch

  8. I'll save you from watching the video. If you like grinding for gear, it's great. If you want a bunch of things to do, it sucks. Visions are ok but you only get an easy 2 a week without grinding. Other than that it's boring as fuck.

  9. I like the horrific visions how they are, you have to be very careful and not being able to do them so much will keep people excited about it for longer. if we were able to do 10 a day most people would get tired of them

  10. My BW monk can solo 2.5 million HP elite (it takes a while) but inside a vision gets nuked on the first set of mobs. WTF? So either play a Demon Hunter or a DK everything else gets squished. Good thing Blizz had this extra long PTR to work out the bugs huh!

  11. It says something that the most entertaining part of 8.3 for me has been doing the horde leveling questlines on my horde dk as i work to unlock all the horde only content like allied races. I literally am enjoing early bfa content more than i am 8.3 because at least the leveling zones have an actual plot that says something. 8.3's story is almost entirely in the opening quests, and in the raid. the visions only story is the minor rp before killing the same boss over and over. I have no regrets buying a 6 month sub because is still have pleanty of old content i want to do for cosmetics or lore, especially on horde since i mained and got loremaster on alliance already. But most of those 6 months are probably not going to be 8.3. Heck, i've actually been having more fun gold farming in pursuit of buying wow tokens to pay for every remaining store mount i don't have yet and possibly for a aotc boss clear purchase and the brutosaur depending on how much i make. At least with gold making, there are pleanty of ways to play that can lead you to eventually achieving your goals. In horific visions you either are a dh, level up with a friend, usually a dh or outlaw rogue unless you have a dungeon group, or you hate the content and just feel like you're paying to access a game designed to punish you for not picking the right class for that content. If Mythic dungeons or some other system gave a means to upgrade your cloak that allowed a different gameplay option for progressing towards raiding in nyalotha, i might actually give a shit about the raid. At this point lfr and a carry are basically the only way i'll interact with it this raid tier because i can't be bothered to do 8.3 content besides maybe farming the reps to work on my 100 exalted reps achieve. Therea re so many better things i enjoy doing in this game over anything 8.3 can offer. I mean heck i am considering doing argent tournament on 2 characters to finish off farming the mounts remaining from that, as well as doing tol barad for it's mounts. That's how much i can't stand the visions. sure they might be ok once i get my reserach up enough that it becomes actually doable. but i don't know if its even worth the boring grind just to be able to then to a slightly less boring but much more stressful grind. At least with the argent tounament there's no time pressue and i don't feel like i will be behind if i take a day off to deal with irl stuf instead of doing dailies. it's actually making me miss nazjatar and mechagon. at least those zones i could do the content at my own pace. OP mecha doesn't make you feel like if you mess up it's the end of the world. missing a day of dailies is fine in nazjatar. even the raid was better because you had multiple ways to gear for it regardless of what content you enjoyed most. Sure for the high end raiders it was worse because of the benthic failure. but for people like me who come to wow as a casual first who wants fun first and foremost, this patch isn't for players like me. It really wants to be, and if it didn't all hinge on 1 gameplay feature in order to make progress it probably would be casual friendly. but as someone who can't stand this content i'll stick with older content that i actually care about;

  12. I disagree about the visions. I find them actually really boring and the fact you can mess them up easily prevents me to explore more and take some risks. I hope shadowlands is not going to be like that. Otherwise I think I'm done with this game unfortunately.

  13. Honestly I think after a month or 2 of running the raid on herioc I may just quit the game until shadowlands comes out. Going to put my time back into Elder scrolls online

  14. I have the cloak on 8 toons at the moment and 4 are rank 5 until I get better gear. Cause I don't want to risk a grief group. And most people I know are done with BFA period.

    I can see burn out being a real issue for me if I tried to farm currency for vessels on all of them. So I nees to focus on which I would like to run more I guess

    Being it is the end of BFA which imo was shit I am just putzing casually so I dont feel a pressure to grind anything .

    We'll see what Shadowlands holds….

  15. I love the horrific visions. I do think if we had free reign we'd get sick of it. The restriction keeps us wanting more. If they had another avenue that was as restrictive as the Memento runs, that could be a good compromise. So 3-4 runs for mementos, and then another set of 3-4 for maybe the AP idea?
    I also LOVE the possibility of failure! It makes H Visions so much more exciting. Maybe the most exciting WoW has been for me personally, at least for the last decade.

  16. I haven』t played in a little while so my ilevel is 420ish so I can』t complete the solo visions and keep dying over and over again. BFA has not been fun for me. I』m hanging it up and going to ESO until the next expansion drops.

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